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Forum Posts

[NEW] Blog Post: Phone Recycling

The Call to Recycle: Transforming Old Phones into New Opportunities In an age where technology evolves at lightning speed, most of us have old mobile phones collecting dust in drawers. But what if those forgotten handsets could help reduce waste, sav...

J_PM by Public Mobile
  • 35 replies
  • 41 Bravos

Blog Post: Unlock the Power of Public Points

The More You Know: Unlock the Power of Public Points Introduction As a subscriber to Public Mobile, you're likely familiar with the variety of unique perks that come with using our service. Among them is the Public Points Rewards program, which is a...

J_PM by Public Mobile
  • 89 replies
  • 56 Bravos

Blog Post: Why 5G is the Future with Public Mobile

When it comes to technology, standing still is the same as moving backward. That's why at Public Mobile, we're not just keeping pace with change; we're leading the way with Canada's first 5G subscription phone service.  What's So Special About 5G?5G ...

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J_PM by Public Mobile
  • 39 replies
  • 23 Bravos

Top Contributors - Congratulate

Hey Community, Thank you to everyone who contributed to the great conversations this month! We'd like to encourage community members to congratulate other members and share comments under this thread. However, we will keep the Top Contributors announ...

J_PM by Public Mobile
  • 391 replies
  • 59 Bravos

Bell Let's Talk

Trying to donate and get message saying that PC Mobile accounts are unable to complete donations by text. How can I fix this?

ParkerS2008 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
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Notifications are glitching

Seems like notifications are glitching and just completely inaccurate for example this customer posted a thread 30 mins ago And then shows in my notification they replied 29 mins ago even though it just popped up and yet no reply at all . But there t...

Handy1 by Mayor / Maire
  • 5 replies
  • 1 Bravos

Goodbye Public Mobile

Public mobile has worked well for me for the past five years, and the lack of features was easy to justify with the low cost.  When public mobile changed the rewards system, my bill more than doubled (although there is the bill credit you can apply e...

Moon_mack by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 3 replies
  • 4 Bravos

What has happened to Public Mobile?

Public Mobile is a shell of its former self. There is nothing to distinguish this tier 3 mobile service from its competition. With the removal of autopay rewards, loyalty rewards and the cheap mobility plans there is nothing left. Their $15 plan was ...

Ventura by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
  • 12 replies
  • 5 Bravos

Telus $15

I just got a call from Telus on a $15/mo for 2 years and at every 2 years I get a coupon to perpetually stay at that rate. Sounds too good. Any thoughts?

Europe Roaming

This isn't a question, but a follow up to my own question last month. I travelled to Europe and was asking what eSim to use for coverage. Orange was suggested and so I went with it. It worked perfectly. I installed it while still in Canada and then a...

kjames2001 by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
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[FIXED] MMS settings for OnePlus 11 Pro

APN: SP.MB.COMMMSC: proxy: mmscproxy.mobility.caMMS port: 8799APN type: default,ia,mms,supl,fota,hipri  

BoomersDad by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
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Email Notification Duration

My OS is Android 8.1.  I have the Outlook Lite app set up to send notifications when I get a new email.  A notification shows up on my home screen and a sound is played.  If I don't notice the notification and don't look at my phone for a while, the ...

Fred829 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
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CCTS complaint

Has anyone else filed a complaint with the CCTS regarding the death of the old rewards plan and the forced adoption of the points plan? My bill went from about $13 to $28. Sure I will be able to claim back about $7 month, but will still end up with a...

svsassona56 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 3 replies
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Reassessing my needs.

Right now I have 3 PM accounts. Two are cell phones. Rarely used but now a day to day necessity. Even if you are elderly. We can accept that and are able to keep up with technology. What’s hard,  is the expense. One is our land line. And it does not ...

SeniorCitizen by Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
  • 2 replies
  • 0 Bravos

Public Mobile

What is your favourite thing about public mobile? Why would you recommend it to a friend?

Emilydrew by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 10 replies
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Loyalty- Peace out PM

We all know there is nothing to be loyal to these days, but it seems to be the most evident with phone companies. 5 years ago I thought PM was changing that narrative when I stumbled across them with their loyalty program, I know they started that ea...

WiFi Calling

I see that PM doesn't seem to support WiFi Calling which is very convenient in bad areas or when travelling or in my basement!  So, for a very small $$, I've been using my MagicJack.  Just forward all calls to your MJ & you can receive or call out fr...

Mexico & RING™ app Issues.

Just a heads up to anyone traveling to Mexico. I'm currently staying at the Royalton Riviera, Cancun. The WiFi is great but they use a VPN. Because of this certain apps will not work. Namely, I cannot access my Ring Alarm system & cameras at my house...

G_Pomzz by Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
  • 5 replies
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Tesla Referral

Hello Everyone, I'm thinking of buying a Tesla any recommendations Model 3/Y/XorS  

Kydd by Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
  • 32 replies
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Free Telus Calendar

I'm trying to order the free Telus calendar offered and my account login doesn't work. I understand that Public Mobile is under the Telus umbrella and the offer says it's open to all customers. 

jonnie_66 by Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
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Win Back Calls.

I've been with Public Mobile for a total of 3 days now, with my Primary line which I've just ported in from Bell. Today I got a call from Telus, offering me 75GB for some odd amount.. and I just find it odd?? Has anyone else had this happen right aft...

Priority by Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire
  • 6 replies
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Custom SIM Print.

I recently ordered one SIM Card off eBay because I seen one for a good deal..It arrived and it's unlike any Public SIM I've seen before, this seller managed to Print or Engrave their Friend Referral Code into the actual SIM Card. How did he do this, ...

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Priority by Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire
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Koodo VoLTE.

I just got this text message to my Koodo Pre-Paid Number which is on a $15 Plan. I've never ever recieved such from Public Mobile, and I was just inquiring about VoLTE on Public yesterday when this text message from Koodo came. I guess the smaller ca...

Priority by Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire
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International sim card

Can I add a sim card from Italy to my phone? Or an e-sim card?

Anid1 by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
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7-Eleven Birthday.

I jusy went to a 7-Eleven Birthday Party since its July 11th(07/11), and I seen a wheel to spin for prizes similar to Public Mobile's colours. I just had to share since i thought it was funny and very similar.

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Priority by Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire
  • 15 replies
  • 1 Bravos

Port out number

Hi I Port out my number yesterday to lucky mobile, but that new sim card has no service. My public mobile number still works.

Siak by Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
  • 5 replies
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