Full credit to @will13am for inspiring this idea. He mentions that everyone should keep a spare SIM card because cards can occasionally fail, or you could lose your phone or have it stolen, or maybe you want to refer a friend or family member after you're happy with the service. So, what I'd ideally like to see, is for every $5 card ordered, ship two. I know they cost money, and I know that PM started charging for cards because they do cost money and many were not being activated when they were free. And I know this will lead to more going unused, at least in the short to medium term. However, I think still charging the $5 per pair rather than totally free as in the past, will still deter people from just ordering them on a whim and never using at least one of the two. My alternate suggestion if this is deemed too expensive would be to have an "upsell" option where SIMs are $5 for the first and $2.50 (half price) for each subsequent card added to the same order. So you still have a cost that helps prevent excessive waste, but yet makes it more convenient to order a spare or to sign up your whole family at once and so on. So 1 card would be $5, two would be $7.50, 3 would be $10, 4 would be $12.50 and so on. Wording could be added to the ordering page to encourage ordering a spare for backup purpose, etc. Thanks for your consideration!
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