12-29-2023 11:09 PM
Online it shows $34 plan with 50gb data but when i tried to change my plan, it doesn't show me that plan.
looks like some plans are only to attract new customers?
12-30-2023 03:57 PM
12-30-2023 09:31 AM
there has been suggestion by more than a couple of users that a polite request to the customer support agents might accommodate plan changes designated for new activations.
I’m thinking your chance of success improves if you’re moving to a higher price plan versus a lower price plan.
Doesn’t hurt to give it a shot!
To contact a Customer Support Agent, send a private message to the Customer Support Agents by clicking here
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Watch for their response in your Community private mailbox which will be indicated by a number on the small envelope icon to the left of your Community avatar.
12-29-2023 11:13 PM - edited 12-29-2023 11:17 PM
@ashunandal Sucks only for new activations I saw this plan to and had to create a new account with new email and sim to get it
How ever if your on old rewards saving $7 every 30 days you can still get the 60GB for $40 and with your $7 off that’s $33 $1 better then the new activation plan 50GB for $34 with 10GB extra data to enjoy ,so your still comming out ahead of the new activation plan does @ashunandal
12-29-2023 11:11 PM
it is a business decision.
And in this mobile industry, all carriers will leave the best plans for new activations. But check your My Account's Change Subscription often, they will have some good deals for existing customers too