09-29-2022 11:51 AM
09-29-2022 01:41 PM
it appears no pms helping anymore😪
09-29-2022 12:32 PM
i am in private mode will probably have to spend the rest of the day trying if it goes through.
postal code and charges have been checked
09-29-2022 12:20 PM
lol So wait another hour to let the sessions expire on their server and then try again on the desktop in private mode. Likely the postal code would need to be the same as on the billing address for the card. Maybe even the same as what you entered on the first screen.
You checked to make sure no charges went through through right?
09-29-2022 12:15 PM
desktop , i guess they are overwellmed by new subscribers the computers cant handle it
09-29-2022 12:07 PM
@dr-et wrote:canadian card and i am on private browsing They are trying to kill pub mob any which way the can
thanks for the suggestion
lol Yes they do seem to be.
Are you trying to activate on a mobile browser? Try a non-mobile or use desktop mode.
09-29-2022 12:02 PM
visa no debit i use it to pay for my other accounts with them
09-29-2022 11:58 AM
If you are trying a debit card....which one are you trying?
09-29-2022 11:58 AM
canadian card and i am on private browsing They are trying to kill pub mob any which way the can
thanks for the suggestion
09-29-2022 11:56 AM
If you are trying a debit card....which one are you trying?
09-29-2022 11:53 AM
@dr-et what kind of credit card did you use? did you use a Canadian or US credit card?
If you are using a Canadian or US card, try to activate again using Incognito mode and see if it works