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text: my service will degrade in 2 days, please join Koodo

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Hi, I'm mystified by a text I just received from Public Mobile. Due to "upgrades" my connectivity will be degraded after Feb 20 (in two days??). They're offering to give me a used iphone and a switch to Koodo.

How do I interpret this? Are they saying my service on my particular device will be permanently degraded due to upgrades? (It doesn't say the issue will be temporary.) Why are they trying to get me to go to another company?

Why two days notice? I've got hospital stuff coming up. 

I was having real problems accessing cellular data yesterday.


edited by computergeek541: profanity removed - customers are not to use creative spelling, abbreviations, etc. to get around the swear word filter

101 REPLIES 101


for Koodo, your phone will have VoLTE works and there is no need to enable it yourself, the system will push it to enable.  There is no way to manual turn it on as the system hides the option


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Latest. Basically get lost  and go to Koodo folks:

"There is no way for us to enable it for certain devices since It is already set. Not even technical support can do it. We can just inform you about the time, dates and how to enable it in case It is possible. We would recommend you to get in contact with Koodo Postpaid to check the offers they have. "

@Sam-I-Am wrote:

Just got this from PM: "I just checked, and It is VolTE compatible for Telus and Koodo, but not for Public Mobile. That is why the option is not displayed. "

No, this is not true.  Telus system hide the VoLTE toggle, whether it is used on the network or not. So, even your phone works on Telus and Kodoo, the option is hidden

I've asked if this is a technological issue or a business decision and why we only have 2 days to work with. They keep ignoring that part. Isn't that some sort of CRTC violation?

likely not, the service "could be "degraded" but not disappear completely.  It looks like they are slowly turning off 850 in some area but not all.  So, if it is done that way, it won't violate the 30 days things

and remember, for many cases, even a date is set, they don't really shut down anything on that day. The day is more a preparation for them.  

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Just got this from PM: "I just checked, and It is VolTE compatible for Telus and Koodo, but not for Public Mobile. That is why the option is not displayed. "

I've asked if this is a technological issue or a business decision and why we only have 2 days to work with. They keep ignoring that part. Isn't that some sort of CRTC violation?

Tier 1 usually work but they are more $$

Your phone, Note 10 will work for most carriers.  Only tier 3 might have the VoLTE problem as many tier 3 still use 3G for voice

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Good grief. Rogers too? Guy in another thread was suggesting if you go with one of the top tier carriers and your phone is compatible, you should be okay. Is there some way of finding what carriers support what phone for what network types? I feel like I'm going a bit crazy at this point. I just need a working phone this week. 

@jsbsmd1   its seems to support 5g

So you are not currently on a 5G plan, otherwise the phone should show 5G at the top?  Unfortunately having LTE and 5G still don't mean you have VoLTE, which has to be enabled by the carrier and PM "certifies" fewer phones than some other carriers.


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Complained about the 2 days' notice. They are suggesting you can change your phone settings but this is wrong as far as I can tell. My phone is capable but not enabled, I think that's a carrier thing. 

"We apologize for the inconvenience. All the Public Mobile customers in areas that will be affected receive it 2 days prior to the change as well. By our side, we are not able to manage the settings of your phone. However, you can guide you on the steps on how to set it by your side. "

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

It looks my phone is theoretically compatible, but not with them. Will be with other carriers, like the next price point up, which is Koodo, which is also PM, so they make more money. Someone in the community has suggested it's unethical. 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Did you check your phone's capability on their network for 4G and 5G?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

The latest for (apparently) the Toronto area:

"The turndown can initiate either on the 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd or 24th. It can start on any of those days since those are the days assigned for your area. It is not a temporary turndown; that is why you were advised to get a new phone or the migration to Koodo Postpaid. "

I have asked "Sandra" again why PM thinks its appropriate to give people 2 days' notice of this. 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

It doesn't seem right that Public Mobile can restrict phones on their network that are capable of 5G or 4G on their network.

I would ask them specifically about your phone's capability on their network. If your phone is capable of being on their 4G and 5G bandwidths, ask them why you're getting this message and why you can't see a toggle for VoLTE. Ask them what they can do about it because you don't want to change your phone if it's capable. I know these are the questions I'm going to be asking.

In the meantime if you're worried about receiving calls, you could always forward your phone to an Wi-Fi phone caller. I did that when I traveled overseas and it worked seamlessly. I use Fongo.

Also, if you have trouble you could complain to CCTS. 

@jsbsmd1 your phone has 3G bands.  If it is working now, wait till after 20th and see if voice still work 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

here is more info.



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


Here is the specs on my phone. its seems to support 5g. I hate to have to buy a new phone since I got this one specifically because it was 5G.

@Sam-I-Am  Yes, the same thing happened to me on Rogers, the phone was VoLTE capable but did not get VoLTE on their network.  Bear in mind the $3 surcharge with Koodo and Telus that I gave a link to earlier in this thread but again depends on the phone.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Ok guys, the plot thickens. 

I submitted a ticket to ask what geographical area would be affected. The brief response suggests its a "test" in Toronto (unfortunately that's me) and will be for a few days, but it's so cryptic I'm not sure if I'm interpreting it correctly. 

"The test turndown will be developed in the Toronto area from Feb 20 to 24. It can be any of those days. "

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Thank you for sharing.

It doesn't make sense why I would receive the message if my phone is capable on all of their bandwidths?

I have a OnePlus Nord CE2 Global phone that is apparently compatible with all the bandwidths on public mobile. 

I wonder if it's my SIM card that's old and needs updating?

@Sam-I-Am   Make sure before switching that your phone is compatible. Rogers/Fido/Chatr are shutting down 3G this year but may work for more phones.  You can check compatibility by model or IMEI here 

@slusagm  I think because some phone shows 4G but it is just 3G+

Yes that's what I was thinking but not explaining very well.  

@Phil_Adelphus I think because some phone shows 4G but it is just 3G+

@slusagm  From what I have read, 4G isn't necessarily synonymous with LTE depending on context.  I seem to recall some people on here whose phones drop to 4G from LTE and which don't work in the USA where VoLTE is a requirement.  I found this just now on a carrier's help page "The only difference is when the phone registers on VoLTE, calls complete on LTE instead of dropping to 4G HSPA+ or 3G".  

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Yes, how do we find out if our area is affected? 🙏

Koodo is Tier 2 and Telus is Tier 1 and they both have pretty much full VoLTE support for most voLTE compatible phones

thanks @slusagm  for sharing

@sheytoon do you know the turning off of 850Mhz is a big one across the country or very location/province specific like the Manitoba situation couple years ago?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Appalling messaging and communication to customers. Two days notice to scramble and see if I can still make calls, when I'm about to go into hospital. CS agent just told me to buy another phone. I think I'm looking for another provider just based on this. I really liked PM until now. I wish I had the time to deal with it.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Okay thanks for your help. Hopefully if there is an issue, people can still leave voice messages which I can pick up from a friend's phone. 

I didn't know about the tiers. What tier is Koodo?  I guess you get what you pay for. 😞  I really don't want to be locked into a contract. Thank you!


you have Note10.  Most tier 2 and 1 carrier will support it

problem with PM is that it is Tier 3, and not support all phones for VoLTE.  You said you are in Ontario?  I honestly think the turning off 8500 is not in your area, not GTA area 

yes, drop to 4G is VoLTE.  From what I know, the Vo5G is not all ready, we are mostly using VoLTE , which is on 4G network

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Thank you for relaying this. So if I have received a migration message, I guess I should be worried? I'm in a major metropolitan area. How do I tell what's going on in my area? How do I tell what carrier will support my phone? The CS agent I got was not as helpful Thanks again.

@slusagm  When a phone drops from 5G or LTE to 4G does that mean no VoLTE?  From what I understand some say 4G when they really mean a form of 3G.  It's easy when it drops to 3G but there seems a bit of a grey area with 4G.  A phone on LTE should still say LTE on phone calls if it has VoLTE?

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