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text messaging issues

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

so i’ve been texting my boss no problem, then all of a sudden day and a half ago he stopped getting my messages even though they show they were sent. we have made sure neither one of us has blocked each other, everyone else can still text him and me, we can call each other, i can get his text messages he just does not get mine.. this is a really huge inconvenience. any ideas? i’ve reset my phone, my network. he has also done the same.


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@daredogg so here's the thing... yes, Signal is probably better for privacy.  The problem is, nobody I know is using it, while dozens or more of my contacts use WhatsApp.  The other important thing is that Signal actually supplied the end-to-end encryption that WhatsApp uses. WhatsApp/Facebook cannot read your messages.  They may be able to track other analytics off of you, but your message contents are as private as Signal, from what I understand.  For me, the trade-off is worth it and I'd rather use WhatsApp and continue to suggest it to friends and family.


EDIT: some reading you may be interested in:


TL;DR:  I've read the first article, or at least most of it.  But not the others.

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@NewfieDoll further to this...

After reading through your posts, I'm guessing you have an iPhone? What kind of phone does your boss have? Android or iOS? Just trying down to narrow down the problem...

Checked out the link you suggested @Luddite... looks like @srlawren was right that iOS doesn't allow other SMS texting programs. That makes sense though since Apple has always been very proprietary. All of the apps you can download use data.


Noticed something that WhatsApp is owned by Facebook, so your privacy isn't safe. An alternative app is Signal that features end-to-end encrypted messaging. I might jump ship and abandon WhatsApp.

@daredogg wrote:

@srlawren @will13am thanks for the clarification! does iOS have any texting apps, or is it just the Messages that works?


None that I know. Messages when set up correctly sends standard SMS, MMS and data only iMessages:

Settings >> Messages >> iMessages ON, Send as SMS ON, MMS ON >> Send & Receive should sbow your PM number and your Apple id email address.

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@daredogg wrote:

@srlawren @will13am thanks for the clarification! does iOS have any texting apps, or is it just the Messages that works?


I am an android user.  I will let the iOS crowd answer this question.  

@srlawren @will13am thanks for the clarification! does iOS have any texting apps, or is it just the Messages that works?


@computergeek541 wrote:

Do other people who use Rogers still receive your text messages?


Sometimes, issue occur where people don't receive text messages (either you or the other end) but when they are to or from a specific carrier.


Such intercarrier text messaging issues are tricky for the customer to figure out, because it's the exact type of issue that's a favorite for customer service at both carriers to blame the other carrier for.

SMS is such an old technology kept together with white glue and toothpicks, it would not surprise me that each carrier runs a slightly different edition of software that is not totally compatible.

Do other people who use Rogers still receive your text messages?


Sometimes, issue occur where people don't receive text messages (either you or the other end) but when they are to or from a specific carrier.


Such intercarrier text messaging issues are tricky for the customer to figure out, because it's the exact type of issue that's a favorite for customer service at both carriers to blame the other carrier for.


Adding to @srlawren's lengthy discussion, my suggestion is for use of a different app to handle SMS.  I don't know if this is exactly what's going on, but I sense that carriers trying to upgrade what is really an antiquated communication protocol is causing things to break.  There's a movement afoot to make the SMS platform a 21st century communications medium.


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@daredogg @LEGO @meocon 


Reviewing the discussion around Viber, Kik, Signal, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger... I just wanted to point out that none of that is what @will13am was talking about when he suggested using a different texting app.  While all the apps you've mentioned are great [I personally use a cocktail of WhatsApp, BBM, Skype, Slack, Hangouts, Facebook Messenger, and good old-fashioned sms texting], none none of those are texting apps, but are all data-based messaging apps. 


Android phones sometimes spontaneously develop "weird" issues with texting, but switching to a different SMS/MMS app can often resolve that, at leat for a time.  I don't believe iOS allows 3rd party SMS/MMS, but Android definitely does.  Many Android phones come with the manufacturer's proprietary texting app, some come with Google's Messages app, etc.  But from the play store, you can download Google's own Messages app or 3rd party ones like Textra SMS, Chomp SMS, and many others.  This is what @will13am was suggesting.


But yes, although moving to a data-based service such as WhatsApp wouldn't technically resolve the issue you're having, @NewfieDoll, I do still suggest you consider trying it as a workaround.  Both you and your boss would need to download and install it, but it's free and simple to do and use.  If you get comfortable with it, you may want to consider moving other contacts' conversations from texting into WhatsApp (or other messaging app) as well, since you get a much richer experience, including but not limited to typing indicators, delivered & read flags, voice and video calls over data, better group messaging, etc.  

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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

rogers and they are telling him it’s all on my end his end is fine, so we really don’t know what to make of this

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

yes everyone but my boss

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

only the main one that comes with the phone lol

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

i’ve already done that still doesn’t work

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire
let us know if you figured out a way to fix it!

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@meocon I have just one! Woman Happy

I prefer to call and enjoy my conversation! Woman Tongue

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@LEGO I have above 5 message apps 🙂 & how's about you?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@NewfieDoll If you're using iOS, you should try to restore your phone via iTunes & update to latest version.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@meocon How many Messaging apps do you have on your phone? Woman LOL

Thanks @LEGO and @meocon, I'll have a look! Thumb Up

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@daredogg I usually use Viber, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, Zalo, etc...

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@daredogg Best Messaging Apps for iPhone for 2018: click here

I like the idea about trying a different texting app...

I know these apps are common for Android phones, but what about for iOS? I've never used anything else than Apple's Messaging.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

what network is your boss on PM or bell rogers telus etc?


I believe yesterday bell had a texting issue. but cant recall where i read that.


How about trying a different texting app.  If the usage logs show the texts being sent, it not likely a problem with this service. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Do other people recieve your texts?

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