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public points

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I used to be with public and if I decide to come back to public will I get my points back or no?


Very easy. They store data for decades like email address uses, customers names, phone numbers, home addresses. Don't fool yourself into thinking once you leave all your personal info is erased after this "89 days" and they've never heard of you before. Companies will keep data for decades. 

Makes sense. How would they know that people will come back? 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Hi @Agyeya12 
If your previous account is closed, you will not get any of your points back.
Your previous account is closed if you 
a) Ported out to a different carrier.
b) Did not pay your bill for 90 days or more.

Mayor / Maire

HI @Agyeya12 

sorry, you won't get your old points back.  When you come back, it is a new account and you start Public Points from 0 point again

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