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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

so i get $6 a month so i will loose top upbonus and also my loyalty bonus as well eastlink offered me a good deal i just need to be sure


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

What a ripoff

hi @car62  follow you wallet and go with one that you save the most

happy you found one. Let us know if you have any issue with porting out 

@car62 Sounds like Eastlink is the clear winner in your case then . I know what I would do if I were you 🙂

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I have the $34 dollar plan with all my discounts it’s 32.50 my wife has the $39 a month she on the point plan so eastlink offered $30 a month 50gb rollover data for my wife plan and me $35 a month for 70gb and $10 off my internet bill a month I really like public until they started this crap

Mayor / Maire


Moving forward, this is what you will be receiving. 

-5% points back in spending per cycle

-1 point each cycle for each friend referred as long as the account is active 

-10 anniversary points on anniversary date

Continue to earn points for participating in the Community from 1-15 (20 Oracles)

Once you earn 15 points, you can redeem $15.00 towards your phone bill. 

You will now have to sign into your account to manually redeem the points yourself. If not redeemed, will continue to accumulate.

If you feel you have a better offer somewhere else, you have to make the decision if you should leave or not.



Yes starting in May, you will lost your autopay ($2/month) and loyalty (up to $5/month) monthly rewards.  

Instead your will get 5% back on points on your plan fee and once a year on your anniversary date of sign up 10 loyalty points.   Most long term customers will pay at least $40 more per year with the points system. 

Mayor / Maire

@car62  Yes you will lose the $2 auto pay and loyalty credits . This will be replaced by 10 points a year and 5% of your monthly plan price . On average everyone will pay $50-60 more a year .

with the new points system come may you will need to wait until you have 15 points to redeem $15 off your phone bill . 

if you do t have any friend referrals then the Eastlink offer might be your wiser choice 

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