I;m getting a message from Public saying my service is disconnected.
I ahve autopay on my bank account for public.
I got a text from public and saying it was paid and I got $2 in rewards
but now it says my account is not paid and I have no service
I had plenty of funds in my account so I am baffled
When I call public help it ells me I have to pay 26$
I am going to bank tomorrow to confirm that my account was paid.
I had to use a friends phone as mine died.
he used public before.
I put my sim card in his phone..
I can't use my credit card to pay it now to get it going
(even if I am paying double)
as the recording says my card must be preregistered
I never di that as it was autopay from my bank account
Does anyone have any suggestions what i can do as
I have no service which is causing havoc and I cannot
find any way to ensure that this account is paid as I cannot
talk to anyone to explain or find out what happened
and how to fix it?
edited by comptuergeek541: phone number removed