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Updating CC..

Mayor / Maire

This post is more of a heads up/FYI for long term customers/users updating their expired CC and also the reason for posting in the Lounge as it seems some posts seem to disappear with no apparent rhyme or reasonable explanation over the last few months or so.  Might happen to this thread also, perhaps..

While updating my CC recently for an account that is only activated when needed (around this time of the year and/or in the summer for visiting family, or to prevent deactivation) and with autopay (Subscription) mode is turned off deliberately, I noticed that the account became automatically subscribed after the CC update.  Not wanting to have this feature on, I went to turn the subscription toggle off and was prompted with an alert saying should I proceed to turn subscription off, then the account's bonus 500 CW (not an Xmas holiday freebie) minutes would be lost.  

This has never happened before, so I can only assume this is another of PM's recent direction of being more aggressive with accounts that have not taken "advantage" (not needing to, of course) in upgrading to their more expensive plan options.  While this particular account won't miss the loss of these minutes as it still has plenty of both domestic and int. minutes, plus data, to use up, it certainly makes me think that other bonus data/mins (Xmas freebies) could be affected going forward.

So customers updating an expired CC might want to think about paying with vouchers instead if they're concerned about losing any their bonus minutes though it may not be a big loss if it only involves the loss of  $5 free add-on, for now..



@hTideGnow    I don't remember exactly when it was given but its been at least 3 years, could even be 4 years.  It was only an one-time add-on (not recurring) given to accounts for reactivating their paused accounts.  It has stayed on the account since but, like I said earlier, it's not really much of a loss for my account as it's never been used in all that time. 

However, I'm not appreciating the idea of PM sort of holding these gifted add-ons over customers' head for not keeping their account subscribed...

Mayor / Maire

thanks @dabr  for sharing

how and when you got the 500 bonus CW minutes?  That is a one time bonus and not monthly, right?


Mayor / Maire

@Handy1   For now it seems this new policy by PM is going to affect those customers who were given a promotional bonus 500 CW mins. and not the Xmas freebies . 

Do you see any promotional add-on bonus mins. that appears at the very bottom of the list of data/mins list?  It's been a separate item since it was given to customers for reactivating a dormant account several years ago.  If you don't see that, I think you should be alright (hopefully) with the rest of PM's freebies, at least, for now, of course.  However, I wouldn't be surprised if PM finds ways to whittle away those other gifted add-ons sometime in the future considering it recent direction (since removing non-expiring data add-ons) of removing legacy rewards.

Mayor / Maire

@dabr  Oh wow thanks for that heads up I have $13 plan with holiday freebies on it that unsubscribed to I have to make payment again by Dec 10 plan do do so for 30 days and unsubscribe agin for another 90 days . Will update if I get the same message I sure hope that’s not the direction PM is going but we shall find out . Thanks again for bringing this to the community attention 

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