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mobile data limit reached

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

pay for 1 gig, shows i have 273 MB left? also have a bonus 30 GB that i have not ever used, got the mobile data limit reached message two days ago and have no access?


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

thank you that worked

Mayor / Maire

Bonus data should continue as soon as you exhaust your plan's limit.
Check your account again and reboot your phone. Sometimes these messages are not correct.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi there,

Please check your set mobile limit for your device.

Public Mobile tracks data usage differently (more generously in my experience). If you have set a 1GB data limit on the device, you may need to increase this for what is reflected for the Public Mobile usage.

To use up the 30GB loyalty rewards, it is the same for this. Remove/increase the data limit set on the device to allow more usage. It should only take a second.

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