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incorrect ESN / MEID

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


I have setup Public mobile account and trying to transfer the number from Lucky mobile.

I got a text from Public that ESN/MEID is incorrect.

What do I need to do?


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@darlicious 🍿🍿

Mayor / Maire


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@binny5102  Not related to your question, but is there any specific reason why you are switching from Lucky? (if you don't mind sharing, of course)


Mayor / Maire

@darlicious no need to add that continously to the forum and continously into the same thread over and over again, incessantly, uncessarily to boot.

Enough of the nonsense, don't you think?


CSA will ask what they need from you, if anything needed.

Better yet, Simon already does the work for you and CSA. 


Also, I private messaged OP that tells the phone number in the second response. 

Missed that?

Mayor / Maire


I guess I am 1/1500. I will reconsider my wording and warn @BeachNBeer to do the same. I'm not quite sure how you miss clicking on the link but nonetheless I apologize to @binny5102 for not being clearer. BTW....your private message box is the envelope icon next to your avatar at the top right corner of your screen. That is where my initial private message to you with the telus porting department phone # for you to call.


Is it safe to assume you won't post any sensitive account info again despite my soon to be clarified last line of my post?





To contact customer support click below:

To pre-verify your account include in your private message only your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.

@dabr   I think you are right. 


@darlicious , maybe it is good to update that line about pre-verify ...

My guess is that OP was responding to the post by @darlicious to include all those details as noted at the end of her post.   New customers don't always know that information is meant to be supplied to CSA's only.

@binny5102   This is a open forum here,we are all just customers like you .  please remove your information.  Modify your post and delete them. 


thanks @computergeek541 !!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


xxxxxxxxst sw, Calgary xxxx





Mayor / Maire


Don't use the IMEI# use your account number instead. I will send you the telusporting department phone number via private message and you can request your port again.





To contact customer support click below:

To pre-verify your account include your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.

Mayor / Maire



I would suggest contacting PM via private message link here

and ask them what they require.


Try the IMEI number , get it by dialling,   *#06#


@binny5102   PM likely expecting the account number for Lucky instead of using IMEI


You are an exiting customer and requesting Change Number via My Account?  If so, please login again and enter the Lucky's account number. 

Mayor / Maire

@binny5102  - you can submit a ticket with CSA.


To contact the Public Mobile Customer Support Agent (CSA)_Team, there are two methods to reach them:

1 -  Faster - Click the bubble comment circle on the bottom right-hand side of your screen,

or use this link to: Get Help With SIMon the Public Mobile chatbot


2 – Slower - Use this link to:

Contact Public Mobile Representatives (CSA) by submitting a message(ticket) to them here: 

Private Message to Public Mobile Customer Support Agents (CSA)



Or, you could try the porting phone number to get it sorted out. Check your Private Messages Inbox.

Mayor / Maire


Use the IMEI number of the phone. To get the number by dialing #*06# on the phone then enter it on page 1 on the activation page. If you already activate the SIM, contact a CS_Agent.

But it is better to use your Lucky account number.

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