07-12-2022 07:33 PM
07-13-2022 12:45 AM
07-12-2022 11:39 PM
@Timer wrote:i don't know what is your issue about my day 1
Don't take offense when a seasoned PM'er tries to steer you in the right direction. What @hTideGnow was trying to suggest to you earlier is ...if you're serious about wanting to be a helpful PM Community Forum participant...just watch for a few weeks before offering direction. There's many participants here with a broad range of knowledge and you'll learn lots in a few weeks if you just watch what's going on. Take suggestions gracefully and don't get all pissy if someone corrects you. You need much more info than you have right now, my friend.
Nobody here is a know-it-all...well.. mostly nobody, anyhow.
Stick around...I know you'll be an asset in the very near future. 🤓
07-12-2022 09:03 PM
i don't know what is your issue about my day 1
07-12-2022 09:00 PM
@Timer wrote:but how to bring right information to help customer and when go at the top Get Help is there a lot information but some other member say to me is general but it's confusing
HI @Timer No need to be confused.
You are new here, you are just here Day 1.
Follow the Community, see what people's tips are and compare with the Get Help page, then you know what people needs and how to really help people with their problem.
I always believe, if people get resolve their issue with the Get Help page, there is no need for a Comunnity.
While the cases are similar, everyone's situation is unique. 🙂
07-12-2022 08:48 PM
you meant about what
07-12-2022 08:43 PM
so the Community Rewards is worth it for 30 day
07-12-2022 08:42 PM
but how to bring right information to help customer and when go at the top Get Help is there a lot information but some other member say to me is general but it's confusing
07-12-2022 08:41 PM
07-12-2022 08:39 PM
If CS_Agent was on this Community then we will not get any Rewards. The main objective of this Community is for members lower their monthly bill if you have enough Bravos and Solutions to question asked.
07-12-2022 08:36 PM
what you mean by that
07-12-2022 08:30 PM
i did but the poster is not showing with any link but without any link is showing in here
why i don't know
07-12-2022 08:27 PM
When it works. And they get bravos. And they get solutions. And they get thanks.
If agents were on here all the time there would be no point in us being here. Which would you rather?
07-12-2022 08:25 PM
why those agents not posting to answer any question in Community
how we know other member they are is given right information
07-12-2022 08:20 PM - edited 07-12-2022 08:21 PM
You know how to copy - paste right?
Copy the content then paste it in. I didn't include the obvious paste part earlier. Apparently I should have. I pasted in your url.
There are a couple ways to do that in Windows.
I go between the right mouse and ctrl-V all the time.
07-12-2022 08:15 PM
i did your name a copy when i post in here is not showing
07-12-2022 08:09 PM
This is for my Firefox on Windows 10.
Right mouse on the link. Then click copy.
07-12-2022 08:04 PM
i take a copy for any link there and when i paste and post it is that post will not showing in community i don't know where is going
07-12-2022 08:00 PM
You seem to wandering into Internet 101. Can you provide us some images so we can see what you mean. Each image as you step down.
When you hover over a link you can right-mouse and copy that link. Then open a new tab and paste it in the address bar and see if it takes you to where you intended. Then you can paste that link in a reply.
07-12-2022 07:59 PM
for other member when i try to help to bring that link for
contact to CS_Agent
is can't post and is not showing when i post why
07-12-2022 07:58 PM
@Timer you broke it now you have to pay for it 🤣
07-12-2022 07:56 PM
@Timer which link was that you took it but can't post to it?
and you have a question for PM support? Maybe you can share and we can help
07-12-2022 07:56 PM
when i did reading at the top Get Help
and i Go straight to our Help Articles index,
and there i search and can't get any link to post it why
what is wrong
07-12-2022 07:48 PM
i try to post a link is not posting why
when i did read it at the top Get Help
and i Go straight to our .Help Articles index,
and there i see Customer Support and link and when i take it i can't post it to
07-12-2022 07:43 PM
Who are you telling @Timer ? Just in general, then okay, right.
Community is where other member and customers post and help out one another.
Public Mobile Representatives customer support agents (CSA) can be contacted (privately) by either two methods, found here: