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i need a SENIOR @cs_agent or manager i am very frustrated

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

i need an agent that is capable of reading a weeks worth of tickets because everyday i get a new employee that cant be bothered to read notes even after they were clearly asked to,

@CS_Agent after a week of being ran in circles i had a TELUS tech call me and did a skip trace of my problem they left notes for PM to see i asked the tech if he looked at them and told me i need to buy a sim to continue service this guy needs to be replaced  as i told him i am a customer of 5 years and sim is fine, i wont get into much more detail here but im reaching out out because i cant get anywhere with said agent. pls pretty please will a manger look over my file and see what im going through? i will remove this post if i can get an agent that can adress my issue im only posting here because i have no other option


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

i see it this way, if the sim works no problem on another phone, it is really just a device problem and not PM's.  I don't see PM wil take this case any further even you try to ask senior agent to help

What phone you have? did you se A32?  It is a 3 years old phone, doubt you have much support from Samsung anymore, but you might still get OS and security updates, might or might not work, you can try

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

already have and done it lol

HI @danimal99 

the next thing you will be asked is to wipe and test the phone again.  I know it is tough, but even you call Samsung, before anyone will do anything, they will ask you to do that.  

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

sim card wont fix, all it is a a32 problem or quirk with voice over 3g with certain builds i even said ill roll back tech said its better you end your misery lol i agreed as i said i plugged my PM sim in a s7edge or iphone 13 3g voice works fine and all data works on 3g on  a32 i might add lol


when i had tech on the phone i plugged same sim into an old s7 and 3g worked fine for voice they did skiptraces live while i was on phone with them telus was great 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

it is from canada verified from canada telus tech said yes some will work some will not but the phone isnt SUPPORTED by PM and pm CS should have said this day one the telus tech was awesome did skiptraces and everything but you see its not on there actual SUPPORTED list so thats where TELUS support stops but pm i guess tryed to get it goin, but the PM CS should have simply informed of this day 1, every mesasge i got from them was APN when apn has nothing to do with voice i pointed it out many times then finally one agent escalted iti dunno the tech was awesome even said there will be a scolding note left (which i didnt request) then today i ask them they read telus tech notes? agent replies in order to use there service i need to goto amazon or telus/koodo store to buy a sim to use there service lol

HI @danimal99 

you had an A32, it should work if it is a phone you got from Canada.  But if you got it from overseas, or you got it second hand from another buyer and he got it from overseas, then the phone might not have the APN needed for PM.  It could really be just a phone problem and nothing PM can help.  

If it is a Canadian version of A32, also check with Samsung.  And make sure you have latest firmware


but you said your buddy's Telus sim works on your phone? if that is the case, you can try to change the sim card.  I would reply the message to support agent and ask them to reimburse the sim card cost

@danimal99  So even with your phone network set to 3G phone call won’t work either ? 

where did you buy the phone from out of curiosity? And what’s the model you have ?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

ill give a summary of whats happened bought a new phone checked here if it was compatible first said it was then calls wouldnt work contacted tech support all i got was APN run around everyday from new agent but my usage of trying to fix with them exceeded 6 hours of phone use time so the store wont return it when telus tech clearly said that the phone wont do VOLTE and any PM employee would/should know this and this should have been told to me day 1 thats from a telus tech that verified the calls made via skiptrace but said it wasnt neccesary (but took the extra step anyways) to look at because its clear the phone wont do it so now i got a new phone cant use and gotta go buy another... is what it is, i jus want a senior agent to see the clusterf!@# ive gone threw

Can you at least share what the issue is? If you don't wish to, nobody here can really help and since you have contacted CS agents already, there really isn't more we can do here. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

i had a great agent the friday before last that escalated the issue and got answers but every day since its like all tickets are auto bounced to a new agent which is making my brain bleed a TELUS tech physically called me and adressed issue at hand now i mention to PM to read there notes  that they left because the tech clearly said they will be able to see all. and i get told to buy a new sim  rather then them actually reading the notes

Mayor / Maire

So, a couple of things. I know you don't want to share a lot of info here on the forum, however, this is how Public Mobile is operated. This forum is your first source for help with thing run by ... well.. other customers. So if you can share just a bit of info, we may have an answer. You never know. 

Secondly, yes, bouncing around from agent to agent to agent is sadly a common practice with Public Mobile. I've had that happen recently where 7 agents were involved over a two week period. And honestly, I don't think it was even resolved and both myself and the other member just gave up. I've been told that if you don't reply within 48 hours the ticket is closed. 

If you feel your needs are not being met, you can send a message to Customer Service and in the title, you can ask for your request to be escalated to a supervisor.

To submit a ticket with CS Agent using this Chatbot link 

Type Customer Service and follow the prompts. If you are having any issues, here is a direct link by sending a private message

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

i read an article if you tag @CS_Agent  they will be forwarded to the community who knows maybe thats removed but handy i aprecaite the response hence you get a kudos brotha

Mayor / Maire

@danimal99  Unfortunately we are just customers here in the community like you trying to help . You have to work with support agents that are replying to you . But you can ask for them to escalate your issue with senior staff to help solve what ever the issue is your having . Best of luck 🤞 

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