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how do I add 2 new phone lines to account? Can I choose the p

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@Inclusive  You will have opportunity to transfer number over when you actually activate the SIM card  . Have a quick read on my thread about paying for plan before activation and one step is a bit backwards

@Inclusive  Yes 👍🏻 and thou your charged upfront the plan won’t start until you have SIM card in hand to activate it in the app 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

 I am switching from another provider.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I am creating a new subscription and payment must be made first for a SIM card before any other information is entered such as phone number etc. Is correct?

hi @Inclusive 

Also note if you are porting in number, the old account with the other carrier must be active.   That account will be closed once porting is done.  And remember to provide the old carrier account number as porting info instead of IMEI for better success

@Inclusive  Also note once account is setup you can change the phone number 4x per 30day cycle for free  in your account profile page . Or transfer one in for another provider this can also be done on activation to 

Change # on profile tabs




hi @Inclusive you can transfer in your number if you have the number already 

but if new number, you can only pick from the pool of numbers

Nice edit 



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

will I be able to use a phone number of my choice?

Mayor / Maire

@Inclusive  You can only have 1 phone line per account with its own unique email . So each account you needs to have separate email and it’s independent account . Also be sure to use your refferal code for the 2 new accounts you create 

Mayor / Maire

hi @Inclusive 

you cannot add new lines on the same account 

PM system is one email one account, you will have to use another email address to create the new account 

But make sure you use your own referral code for activating the new lines to get the referral bonus 

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