05-04-2022 07:20 PM
05-04-2022 08:00 PM
New customer, old? has this never been an issue before. We would need more details to point you in the right direction.
05-04-2022 07:28 PM
Assuming your account is Active...its a long-shot but,if your cell phone has dual sim slots, try the sim in the second slot. See if that helps.
05-04-2022 07:22 PM
@gardinerwally - have you ever activated a SIM Card with Public Mobile? Just checking that first....
If your account status is Active, try these troubleshooting tips:
*turn off your phone, then reboot
*removing your SIM, then reinserting it
*go into airplane mode, then going back to regular mode
*perform a reset network settings on your device
*try your SIM card into another compatible phone for a few days to see if the issues are the same...this could rule out a device issue/setting.
*manually select the 3G / WCDMA ONLY network in your Mobile Connections area in your settings (temporarily) for dropping or unable to make incoming/outgoing calls
*Check if your phone is blacklisted here: https://www.devicecheck.ca/check-status-device-canada/
If still issues, what more information can you provide?