04-12-2021 12:55 AM - edited 01-06-2022 01:45 AM
04-12-2021 01:51 PM
Wow Fido is sneaking into Public Mobile and causing mischeif!! 🐶
Working now it seems.... https://activate.publicmobile.ca/
04-12-2021 03:33 AM
04-12-2021 02:07 AM
04-12-2021 01:37 AM - edited 04-12-2021 01:38 AM
That's really unfortunate! Maintenance happens...
Public Mobile seems to be pretty responsive to a number of things, and suppose a Sunday overnight is a better time than "prime time/business hours" for performing maintenance. It hurts the night owls here, but better than doing maintenance during the business day tomorrow.
Hopefully you and your friend have a better experience going forward. 🙂
04-12-2021 12:57 AM
@LurganIeUk wrote:How can that be? Not a good first impression.
I'm sure you're well aware that all that can be done is for the person to try the activation again later.