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Conference calling not working - get error message cannot make conference call

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


After checking for others experiencing the same issue, it looks like I need your assistance:

My current plan supports conference calling and it was working a couple weeks ago but today when I tried, I get an error quickly displayed on my phone "cannot make conference call" or something to that effect.  I tried to restart phone and it's still not working with same error.  Would you mind reseting on your end or help?

Thank you!


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks for trying to help. I appreciate the additional info that I need to PM Customer Service using the Orange Chat bot - this helps as it's not immediately clear how to get assistance other than posting here.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks for trying to help but as stated in my original post, this function was working 2 weeks ago, so that implies I do know how to properly use the function but somehow it suddenly stopped working.  Thanks.

Mayor / Maire

hi @danathk 

did you make the calls this way?

  1. Once you’re on the call, tap the Add Call option (the ‘+’ icon)
  2. The other person on the line will be put on hold while you add the second person. You can add the new party by selecting a contact or by entering a number manually
  3. When the new party answers, tap the Merge icon to connect all three people on the call


Mayor / Maire

I guess for the 2 numbers you want to conference, you can call them individually, but just not in the conf. call?

try Reset network settings and try making conference call again

but if there is really no way to successfully make the calls, ask PM to help.  Just open ticket with PM using the Orange Chatbot icon on the lower right. Type the question Submit ticket and select Contact Us to get to ticket open screen       

or message them using this link:



Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

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In order to chat a CS-agent, you can click the link below. They should be able to assist in this. 

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