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Will I receive text message while roaming?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen



I'm wondering if I will receive text messages while abroad (either in the US or international) if I don't have the roaming addon.


When I was with Fido, receiving text message was free even when I was travelling abroad. Is it the same with Public Mobile?


My other question is about receiving phone calls. If I don't have a roaming addon, what happens if someone gives me a call? Will the call automatically go to voice mail?




Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes always recieve text messages unless you're out of Canada and/or the United States.


Public mobile has no roaming service options outside of the US. However while in the US roaming is not needed to recieve incoming text messages.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I was in India for two months and was not receiving any text messages from Canada or on the public mobile number. This is very important to note, while choosing the service provider,  as most of the institutes now sends OTP to verify your identity and without having this feature while abroad could be a serious problem. I will certainly check my options before travelling abroad other than US. Although I have no experience about the service in US, but it seems you should be ok seeing the details in the add-on options.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@yyzguy yes.  of course, that type of service does increase complexity and cost to the carrier.  Prior to the changes a month or so ago, I would have said that PM's low cost and no-frills attitude suggest that international roaming shouldn't really be expected.  But now that they want to charge the big-boy prices and play in the big-boy leagues, they need to start providing value-added services such as these to compensate, IMHO.  Though, given the choice, I'd still rather see them focus on system stability and customer experience issues in the near future.


@Grampa@Luddite yes the best workaround is to move your conversation away from SMS and onto a data-based IM app such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Line, BBM, iMessage, Skype, Slack, WeChat, and many others.

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@Grampa wrote:

If traveling internationally, and connected to WIFI, wouldn't WhatsApp work?

@Grampa This discussion is refering to normal texting with the phone's messaging app. All other texting apps will use data connections when SMS is unavailable. For more clarity, what is make/model of your phone and where do you wish to have texting while out of Canada?

This looks to be a international good option for Whatsapp users;

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Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

If traveling internationally, and connected to WIFI, wouldn't WhatsApp work?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Unlike some of PM's competitors that allow incoming text messages when travelling internationally (some at a cost), if you travel outside of Canada and the US (theoretically with an add on) you won't receive the texts. Have suggested in the new ideas forum many months ago PM consider at least enabling inbound international text but have yet to receive a reply from PM. At least this way you can travel with your phone and know if there's someone urgently trying to reach you.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Informative information. Thanks, @srlawren.

Thanks for that information @srlawren, all could be possible I guess.  I don't travel much, so so I've never experienced this.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@stonechucker for Public Mobile customers, incoming SMS still seems to work in the USA without a roaming add-on.  I have speculated 3 possible causes for this in the past:


1) left open by mistake and never fixed, and/or

2) PM had to allow incoming SMS in order to be able to send you the welcome text that offers your info about the roaming add-ons for purchase, and/or

3) they left it open on purpose, in order to entice you to buy an add-on where you might not have otherwise.  You don't bother springing for any roaming add-ons, then receive a text from a friend, family member, or coworker, but are unable to respond to it.  Maybe you break down and purchase at least the US roaming texting add-on in order to be able to do so.


So, it's either a mistake, a side-effect, or a attempted clever marketing ploy.  Or some combination of the above.


I can't speak to the experience with Fido, as I've never been a customer.  [Was with Telus from 2003 - 2015 when I switched to PM, and before that I was a Rogers TDMA subscriber wow that was a looong time ago!]

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Mayor / Maire

@ronist Are you using an iPhone?  From what you're describing, it sounds like your device was connected to WiFi, and the SMS you received was actually iMessage.


if I'm wrong, I'm out of ideas, because as far as I understand cell phones, without a roaming package, your device will not work outside of your carrier's normal network coverage.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@ronist experience suggests you will receive text messages fine while in the US.  You wil not be able to respond to them.  


While outside Canada or the USA you will get zero service--there is no international roaming options yet outside of the US Roaming add-ons.

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Not 100% sure if you will receive texts. My guess will be no. Because you're not buying an add on, you won't have access to it. 

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

Internationally call will go directly to voicemail.  You can get a VoIP app like fongo and forward calls before leaving Canada to the fongo number.


In usa I am 99.9%sure no call or text messages

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