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05:36 AM
I have spent 2 very frustrating hours trying to figure out how to submit a ticket since the responses from the CS via messages were less than helpful.
Every time in the chat bot it gives the link to the ticket this is what it says on the page:
This may be due to a system error, please go back to the previous page and try again.
This is ridiculous.
How can I submit a ticket?
Our issue is that my youngest's son account we couldn't remember the email he used for the account and we now think it's an account he no longer can access. The CS keeps responding they can't help me because it's not him asking or him logged in. Well no duh if we could log into his account we wouldn't be asking for help now would we??? I have been a PM client since the beginning and this is the most ridiculous level of support to date.
I wanted to move my older son over from a Koodo prepaid account as well and I don't even think I will attempt it.... I'm frustrated.
01-09-2024 08:39 AM
2 days later finally sorted out! 🙂
01-07-2024 08:31 PM
The CS told me they do not have access to email, password and something else I can't remember....which no access to email on the account doesn't really make sense to me...😳
01-07-2024 08:29 PM
I did all that already and it didn't work. It didn't show a partial email as it is supposed to do so.... I will try creating another community profile and see if I can get someone to help.
01-07-2024 08:28 PM
OK. So, open a different browser and open the PM website to log in.
Click on Forgot email. And then once that's done, forgot password. It will at least give you a starting point of what email he used. Then when trying to log into "email" then click on their "forgot password" and then try that way. It's a starting point.
01-07-2024 08:27 PM
@Ange12 wrote:It's the email. He couldn't remember which email we used. And now he thinks he did but that email is no longer accessible.
hI @Ange12
the old email does not matter.
opened ticket with Community acocunt for your son (you can setup a temp. one using another email), then the agent you forgot the login email address and the will change it to another one after validate the account ownership. Of course, your son "will answer" all the question 🙂
01-07-2024 08:27 PM
HAHA @Ange12 Yes exactly so next time talking to agents you just “pretend to be your son “ and get it fixed .
01-07-2024 08:24 PM
That's what I thought too! I pay the bill for the love of God LOL
01-07-2024 08:24 PM
It's the email. He couldn't remember which email we used. And now he thinks he did but that email is no longer accessible.
01-07-2024 08:23 PM
Oh ok thank you!
01-07-2024 08:01 PM
Sorry. I just want to clarify so I fully understand.
You can't log into your sons account you're not sure of the email address and password. Is this correct?
01-07-2024 08:00 PM
HI @Ange12
many forgot the email address and ended up create a temporary , new Community account just to create the ticket/send the message. You can do the same. They will ask you some verification questions and likely you can answer "as your son" 🙂
01-07-2024 08:00 PM
@Ange12 It doesn’t matter if your member the old email that’s the whole point . You just need be able to verify some of the account last 4digits of credit card last payment date and amount . Address on account alternate phone number on account there’s many questions they can ask you only need to know so many of them to verify . I truly believe if you submit another ticket saying it’s your account verify it and you be able to update the new email
01-07-2024 07:57 PM
I appreciated you and others replying. even if it's not fixing anything it helps to chat about it...sigh.
01-07-2024 07:57 PM
I thought of that lol but we can't create an account because we don't know which email was on his original account to create the community account with.... although even if we use his old email it has to be verified too I believe. We tried his old email to login but it says the email and passwords don't match. Yikes. it's a mess really lol. SIGH.
01-07-2024 07:55 PM
@Ange12 Ok so the other thing I guess which shouldn’t be . Is to create new community account and say your the sunny boy an that new community ID to as it now “his” and resubmit ticket and update new email
01-07-2024 07:55 PM
The reply was quick actually via messaging. However basically she is saying she can't help me because we aren't logged in using my youngest's account. Which duh yes that's the reason we are contacting you because we can't get in. SIGH.
I just responded back I would like to speak with a supervisor and I hope being a long time client means something.
01-07-2024 07:51 PM
HI @Ange12
PM is prepaid provider. While they "want " to talk to account holder, it is all via messaging, so there is no way for them to know "you are helping" to make the ticket/message. Just message on behalf of him, answer all security questions as him and get the issue reolved
01-07-2024 07:49 PM
I did all of this. And yes of course I stated he's a minor and I pay the bill not him. She said sorry can't help you the ticket/message has to originate from the account in question. Wow thanks lady.
I tried all of those options... the best is this: when you use the link to forgot email it sends a link to your email! I'm like what the hell is this??? if a person forgot email then they likely don't have access to email they need. Why wouldn't it send a text to you instead to verify you as the account holder??
Anyways so frustrating. We figured out it was his old school email - the board changed their email addresses for the students about 1.5 years ago and he completely forgot we should update PM (as I did as well). It's our fault too but any other company you can resolve by calling and identifying yourself. If I wasn't a long time client I wouldn't be as upset either I guess.
01-07-2024 07:44 PM
HI @Ange12
ticket submission via Chatbot and message go to the same route. How long you submitted? 2 hours? My experience is they usually reply in 2 to 4 hours. If more than 4 hours, message them again.
in fact, message is better than chatbot ticket submission, more reliable and less change of error
01-07-2024 07:43 PM
Thank you. I haven't even attempted to move over the oldest's account yet I need to fix the youngest's account first. It's just ludicrous that they are asking him to login when I am telling them that's the problem in the first place.
01-07-2024 07:41 PM
@Ange12 can you try the forgot password option on login . And check what emails he may have used to see what one gets the code . Otherwise working with support if you can provide enough verifying info and they should be able to help . Next ticket you submit just speak for him as your the account holder anyway paying I presume that’s a what I would do
01-07-2024 07:39 PM
Hey @Ange12
Yes, this does sound very frustrating for sure. I'm sure there are several people here who have been in the same situation. My advice, a very simple one. Go back to your private messages at the very top. With their very last message to you, say this. "I appreciate and understand your position and your efforts in trying to project my sons account. However, I am looking to move my son over to Public Mobile from Koodo. If you are unable to assist, I would like to escalate my request to a supervisor please. I mean no disrespect to you of course because I know you're following your protocols, however, I would like to resolve this or I may have to consider taking my business elsewhere." Hope this helps.
01-07-2024 07:37 PM
Thank you but I already did this. And the answers they came back with are less than helpful - see above.
Not sure how we can recover my youngest's account since they want me to login with his account to talk to them but hey guess what that's our problem: we can't login. I thought submitting a ticket may yield a different route to a different person that might be more helpful. So irritating.
01-07-2024 07:35 PM
@Ange12 Here how submit ticket with direct link to support
send a private message To CS_Agents
⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Link below ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️