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Why do I have to put in a new username when logging? This is a COMPLAINT-have a LABEL for that word.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I had donk44, but it said it was taken, so I came up with another one, today I log in and it asks for another xxxxxxxx username. Can you programmers not get it right  ????

I hope your retrain your program designers. This is a poor website design.

Is TELUS deliberately making this difficult for loyal Public Mobile customers so they will go elsewhere ?



Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks Handy1- your answer is not entirely clear, please take time to use proper english. I appreciate the prompt response, but we are not here to create the most answers- we are here to provide the best help for our customer friends here ! Thank you , Don.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks hTide , I have not had much luck using that link, it was, all last week a broken link, and when it worked NO Customer service agent responded, except after 3 days. And a wonderful agent:  LUIS did help.

Thank you for your prompt clear answer ! --Don.


Mayor / Maire

@donk441  Ever safe had troubles linking your community account work with support to get your old community ID back easy fix for them 

send a  private message   To CS_Agents click          

VVVVV      Link below    VVVVV



Mayor / Maire

HI @donk441 

some member lost their id when EverSafe login is used

Just submit a ticket with CS agent and they can try to assign it back to you

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