12-03-2024 04:15 PM
I was using Fido for many years and the signal was always good. Yesterday I switched to PM with a 4G plan ($30/20GB), and I found the signal is super weak, showing 0 / 1, sometimes 2 on my phone, while Fido used to have full signal at these same places. But checking the PM coverage map, these places should be well covered. Is there anything to do to improve the signal? If nothing can be done, I'll have to leave PM and go back to Rogers or Fido.
12-03-2024 09:53 PM
Yes, Automatic. I can see it connects to Public Mobile LTE, but just the signal bar is empty or 1. I was not able to answer a phone call today at the office. Really bad experience first day with PM.
12-03-2024 08:53 PM
hi @fido2fido
phone matters. Roger/Fido and Telus/Bell use different bands and that could be a reason
but P30 is a phone with all the band PM needs
is your phone's network mode set to Automatic?
12-03-2024 08:49 PM
I don't know other people. May ask around tomorrow. But that doesn't seem to help, right? Also the phone shouldn't matter because I used the same phone while I was with Fido and the signal was pretty good. My phone is Huawei P30 if that helps to triage the issue.
12-03-2024 05:12 PM
anyone using Bell or Telus in those buildings? want is their experience?
and what are the phone you tested
12-03-2024 04:56 PM
Too bad that the signal is weak at both places that I stay the most (home and office), while Fido is good at these same locations. Doesn't PM use cellular towers from Bell and Telus? I see there are Bell towers near by from the map, so it makes no sense the signal is so weak (almost not usable).
I think I will have to wait for the win-back call from Fido and switch back 😞
12-03-2024 04:21 PM
Usually depends in the environment especially the building as well
12-03-2024 04:17 PM
@fido2fido Certain areas will have stronger signal , I’m in 5G plan and phone drips to 4Ga d 3G in my basement so it’s most likely environmentally when in large building like Costco
12-03-2024 04:16 PM
@fido2fido , there is not much you can do about local coverage issues. I am sure that cell tower coverage is reviewed from time to time and changes made to adjust for coverage holes.