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What is wrong with your cs agents?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I've been repeatedly trying to explain them what's wrong but they refuse to read and continuously giving me unrelated answers, you sure they are not ai?


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Tha ks for the reply, I am already talking to thr cs agent but they don't seem to understand that it is a server sided issue and doesn't want to go through any vadification process to check but instead just giving me half ass answers that I've received before multiple times. I'm almost certain 90% of the people reply here are just AIs auto reply to fill up message, this company is the most unorganized one I've ever encountered.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Have never had a bad outcome dealing with support, forgive me if you have tried the following but this is what I do:

Verification Info:

Account phone number

last four digits of your credit card

Full address matching your account

Email address

Depending how busy they are, check your email and/or your PM inbox every 10-15 mins, also check your junk folder just in case that happened to me once, hope this helps!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I am talking to one as I speak and he is still replying me without reading what I type... at this point ai chat is better than the cs agent

HI @EXOScaper 

were you just using Chatbot? you can ask support agent to help, just need to message them using this link 

Remember CS_agent will reply to your Community inbox within 2 to 4 hours, please check your inbox here:


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