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WIFI calling questions.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
  • I understand that possibly soon PM will offer wifi calling. My understanding is that when you're on Wi-Fi you don't use cell data at all

I’m a bit in the dark regarding WIFI calling and ask the following.

(1) In order to use wifi calling does one have to log in to a hot spot such as a grocery store or does it connect automatically?

(2) Can texts also be sent by the wifi calling feature?

(3) If WIFI calling is free then why pay for a data plan ?

UPDATE: A fellow member private messaged me the following——->

Connecting to a wifi site is the same as it is now. Having wifi calling does not magically get you connected to whatever wifi site. You need to step through that hoop to connect to whatever wifi site and then you can use wifi calling.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@hTideGnow wrote:

thanks @Wayworn and @EB0 for the info about text over Wifi calling

and @Wayworn who was the fellow member messaged you??

Wasn't that nice of this member to take the time to private message me. I have deleted the message and don't remember the members name.

thanks @Wayworn and @EB0 for the info about text over Wifi calling

and @Wayworn who was the fellow member messaged you??

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@Dunkman wrote:


There have been reports from different CSA interactions with PM community members that Wifi calling will be coming to Public mobile soon.  

However, with recent interaction with PM management, it was confirmed that there are no plans at the present time to offer Wifi calling.  That may change in the future, but nothing in the immediate future.  

After getting the details about WIFI calling I'm not really exited about it and couldn't care less if we get it or not. As far as the requirement to log in to a WII network in order to text - no big deal since one could always use iMessaging.   Happy with my PM plan as it is.


There have been reports from different CSA interactions with PM community members that Wifi calling will be coming to Public mobile soon.  

However, with recent interaction with PM management, it was confirmed that there are no plans at the present time to offer Wifi calling.  That may change in the future, but nothing in the immediate future.  

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@BKNS27 wrote:


An alternative to wifi calling…just download WhatsApp. It will use your PM number and you can make calls or texts through wifi.

The only issue is that both parties must also have WhatsApp.

So many options but none really better than actual plan voice, texts and data.

Mayor / Maire


An alternative to wifi calling…just download WhatsApp. It will use your PM number and you can make calls or texts through wifi.

The only issue is that both parties must also have WhatsApp.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

A fellow member private messaged me the following——->Connecting to a wifi site is the same as it is now. Having wifi calling does not magically get you connected to whatever wifi site. You need to step through that hoop to connect to whatever wifi site and then you can use wifi calling.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


WiFi calling and WiFi connection is two different things 

WiFi allows you to use data from WiFi to make and receive calls and texts if you are outside your mobile network, you need to enable it in your cellular settings, you can leave it on.

WiFi calling doesn’t make your phone connect to a specific WiFi, you need to connect to any WiFi to use WiFi calling 


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Thanks for helping but one point still not clear to me ——> if there is no public hot spot but  just private wifi does it automatically connect to them or is the networks password required.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


WiFi calling works on any WiFi even open hotspot 

when you have access to both a Wi-Fi network and the mobile network, your device will automatically default to use the mobile network.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

hTideGnow  ksays no to texts over wifi and think maybe that’s wrong.

Also since I understand that one has to login to wifi what happens if in an office building with a list of wifi but one doesn’t have the password to any of them?

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle



Wi-Fi Calling lets you make and receive phone calls, and send and receive text messages on your device over a Wi-Fi connection

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle


No one knows when WiFi calling becomes available on Public Mobile.

This is how WiFI is used, you need to connect to WiFi in your home or hotspot, then all calls and texts will go through your WiFi, you will able to call and receive calls and send and receive texts.

WiFi is free in most companies.

Freedom allows WiFi calling internationally,   you can receive and make calls to Canada free of charge

I think Bell and Telus allow WiFi calling locally within Canada only.




Mayor / Maire

hi @Wayworn 

1. yes, you need to login and have a Wifi for Wifi calling

2. text has nothing to do with wifi calling, you have network connection, text work.  Only wifi, no

3. wifi calling is a feature , not tie with data plan 

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@Wayworn First, keep in mind that all we have at the moment are rumours. Pm does not currently offer wifi calling and there are no guarantees they will.

As for what it is: it lets you make traditional phone calls and SMS text, which are services that usually do not use data, over a wifi connection.  This is helpful for people who have weak cellular connections in certain locations - such as office buildings or basements.

It does not provide you with wifi connections - it just lets you use the ones you have access to for a bit more. If you are in a location without wifi, you will still need data to do things that require internet access. 

So if you need or want a data plan now, PM adding wifi calling won’t change that. 

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