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Voucher question

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I just moved to PM and registered the new boxing plan. However, I don't want to use my credit card to subscribe to the plan, so I canceled the subscription now. Instead, I want to buy PM vouchers from retailers.

My question is if the voucher value is more than my plan, does the value remain in my account and where can I check the balance? And if my account balance is more than the plan request, will the PM charge from my balance even if I don't subscribe and have a credit card on my account? 


Mayor / Maire

Hey @Koala_on_tree 

As @Phil_Adelphus you do require a credit card start with PM. However, you can auto stop payments from that credit card at any time. You stated "so I canceled the subscription now" ...   you actually didn't have to cancel however you should be OK to continue the same plan. You can for sure use vouchers to add to your account. If you purchase say $100 in vouchers, your bill is $25... you'll have $75 credit on your account and will continue to take $25 per cycle until there's no more money. You just have to remind yourself to pay it or your phone service will not work. Also, if you want your credit card removed from your profile once you start using vouchers, you have to reach out a CS Agent to remove it. Here's a link to reach them.

Mayor / Maire

@Koala_on_tree   You have to activate with a credit card, you can switch to vouchers after that.  The Boxing Day plans are scheduled to expire so unless they are extended further you'll be risking losing the plan that you want.

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