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Verizon Us roaming sucks

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

My us roaming is so bad that I had to get a at&t  cell plan to get something that would work, Verizon wireless is no dame good when gps stops working and then I get lost because it won’t connect in meany places ie: Southern California 


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


Iam Currently Roaming in USA(FL) my device(SamsungS22) Automatically switched to Verizon. And I have 5G. And Service has beem great. It appears service by network will vary depending on location.

@andy10101   This thread started in March and Verizon has since then been added as a roaming partner although we aren't hearing much about how well it works yet.   As for the 3G aspect, that pretty much shut down by the end of 2022 and while it does touch on that on the page you referenced, it's not clear that it's now pretty much all gone in the USA.  Roaming customers could still use 2G in the USA if their phone was non-VoLTE but that was spotty and is also being shut down as of September 1st.  In Canada, though, 3G is still available for now although Rogers/Fido/Chatr are shutting it down in March 2025.  No known date for Bell and Telus companies as yet although it was originally speculated to be end 2025 the feeling seems to be that it will be later than that.  

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

So the information here is wrong?

"Today, customers are able to enjoy the combined coverage area of AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile 3G/HSPA networks when roaming in the U.S."


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes that worked thanks

Mayor / Maire

@dennisbaratta   As @fixin noted, Public Mobile's US roaming partners are AT&T and T-Mobile.  For some reason some phones seem to want to use Verizon which, as you discovered, doesn't work.  For future reference you can download maps from Google Maps when you have wifi or functioning cellular use offline later when there may be no internet connection.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@dennisbaratta - That's because Verizon Wireless isn't one of Public Mobile's roaming partners. It may connect but will not work at all.

Please manually select / connect to:

  • AT&T on LTE
  • T-Mobile on 5G, LTE, or 2G EDGE GSM.
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