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Unable to connect to mobile networks in U.S.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I purchased a US roaming add-on yesterday and today I'm on the road in Michigan, near a major highway.  I have used this in the past and never had a problem.  However, after being able to connect to mobile networks immediately after crossing the border, I noticed that my phone showed 'No Service'.


I rebooted my phone, deactivated my account and rebooted it again, and checked my online account to make sure it is active (it is).  And my US roaming add-on is also active, and this was proved when it worked just after I crossed the border.


But anytime I try to reconnect, my phone is unable to detect any network, even when I'm in a major population center near a highway.  I try automatically select network, which doesn't work. I try manually selecting network, but it just shows that there are no available networks.  ( See screenshots).  I also just recently upgraded to the 4G plan, so the problem shouldn't be the US shutdown of 3G networks.

Any ideas??Screenshot_20230422-140416.pngScreenshot_20230422-140423.png


Mayor / Maire


was that pixel purchased in Canada?


try resetting your network settings


open settings
scroll down to system
tap on reset options
tap reset wifi,mobile & Bluetooth
tap reset settings and restart


I know of an issue if a US pixel is used on a Canadian carrier sim and then used to roam in the US it doesn't work because of incorrect certification on the device

Mayor / Maire


Can you tell us where in Michigan? But it does sound like a coverage issue. US network providers don't have the same kind of coverage mandates as Canadian network providers who provide coverage on or within measurable distance of nearly 100% of all Canadian transportation corridors. 


Use the cellmapper link contained in the update post of the following thread for detailed cell tower coverage maps.



Hmmm...guess you're a little unlucky where you are? Michigan has almost 85% T-Mobile network coverage. It seems the update post link doesn't work properly and cannot be fixed within that thread but this one does....

There is talk/text and talk/text/data. Check that network mode for lte.

hi @Sam_SWL depends on which bundle, if the $30 one,  yes.


but if the $15 one , then only Talk and Text bundle 


but in your case, it is a connection issue, you not even connecting 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Thanks. Unfortunately I'm travelling alone right now but later might be able to try your suggestion.  Yes I purchased the US roaming and talk bundle, so it should include data roaming right?

Mayor / Maire



If you are traveling with someone else, try your Public Mobile SIM card in their device to see if it can pick up local T-Mobile network.


Also, just want to confirm you did indeed purchase a US roaming add-on and not a US long distance add-on, correct?

Mayor / Maire

hi @Sam_SWL your plan, 3G or 4G does not matter, you should be able to connect to 

 T-Mobile for roaming anyway.  3 G shutdown in US would not matter either as you need to connect to the LTE network there for data.   Is your network type set to 4G or LTE?  It is really  a T-Mobile coverage problem.  Keep trying, switch between automatic and manual connect, reboot phone 

Mayor / Maire

Apparently you're out of a T-Mobile coverage area. And others. Happens. Surprising that you can't find any others though. I would leave it on automatic networks because that's all we can connect to. Can you set your phone to LTE. I see you have a 2G setting there. The 4G plan would have no effect on this.

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