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USA Roaming Service

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Hello All

I recently traveled down the US today and tried out the US-CAN plan I signed up for a few weeks ago.  T-Mobile works flawlessly but AT&T not so much. I tried manually connecting to AT&T and it did registered on my phone (Samsung A54). The issue was it would not allow me to connect to their data network, the LTE+ sign would just flicker on and off. I was able to receive text messages on the AT&T network though. 

I have read on forums that customers have had issues with AT&T as a public mobile customer. 

I guess my question is do we know why this issue is happening and if it is going to be fixed? I know as a TELUS customer I was able to connect to the AT&T network without issue. 

At the end of the day I guess this issue doesn't really matter unless you travel to Alaska. 


@edifice_ Set the phone to 4G preferred or force it on T-Mobile. AT&T 5G does not work for us.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

My wife had a similar issue yesterday in Detroit MI. Previously she just bought the US Talk and text 15 day add on but we both now have the 50 GB, 5G Canada US plan. As mentioned, I believe last year she connected with T-Mobile, but yesterday it was AT&T. This was the first time to try to use Data, and it wouldn't work. Talk and SMS text messaging worked, but not iMessage (iPhone SE, 3rd generation) or data. When in the US she got a SMS text from Public Mobile saying she could get a U.S. roaming add-on for as little as $10... But she already had the Canada-US plan. Public Mobile shouldn't be selling a service they can provide, even if through their US partner.

Mayor / Maire

I just got confirmation via PM as well. I'll still believe it when I see it, but I'm the third one now I think. I'm surprised. 

"Re: $50/40GB 5G Can/US plan

Hello DennyCrane! My name is Luis and I'll be glad to assist you today. I understand how important it is to clarify the details of the current plans and I'll do my best to help you.

Let me share with you that all our 5G plans have unlimited data. This includes the Canada/US plans. 

It is important to mention that data speeds reduced to a maximum of 512Kbps after the included high-speed data bucket is exhausted. In the case of the Canada/US plans we have the next available options:

1/$50+taxes 40GB (high-speed data) unlimited data at 512Kbps after the high-speed data has been used.


2/$65+taxes 50GB (high-speed data) unlimited data at 512Kbps after the high-speed data has been used.

We appreciate your feedback and I'll definitely pass the information so the corrections can be made so the offer details are displayed online. At the same time, you can find the information about the data by clicking the plan and selecting "Offer details" you'll see it under point "2".

Let me know if you have any further questions!

Best regards,Luis"

He's wrong on referring to term number 2 though, as those same terms show for the $15 and every other plan as well. Term 2 is not referenced in the plan details like it is in the other 5G plans.

I don't doubt it!

As for time, I meant to play around with the settings, not go there. But I kid anyway 🤜🤛

@DennyCrane- I have read posts here of people showing a response from agents on a couple occasions saying to use Verizon. Yeah, no.
As for time, you go there lots apparently. Well, you're killing time between whatever you're doing sitting in the hot tub chillaxing and you go oh yeah hey lets see if AT&T does anything. Nope. Next time hey... and maybe some day you can run back here and let us know the news.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Gretna Manitoba is also a place that pings of USA towers all the time unless you have your settings set to manual, it's anoher place you could test something like this without crossing the border. 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Decided I didn't want to contribute to the carbon tax today and needed groceries.....

White Rock?!

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Haha, i hate to break it to ya but i definitely did not cross the border to test my US roaming features out!

Oh yeah, don't listen the the agents. Most have no idea. And very recently I recall seeing AT&T still mentioned on the website as well, even thought it's not the case. Myself and many others have first hand experience where we can confirm it's just T-Mobile for us now. Maybe that'll change back one day, but that's the current state. 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Yeah that makes sense. When I talked to public's agents through their online chat, i was told we can use AT&T without issue. They also quoted me a paragraph somewhere on publics website describing what their US roaming consists of. Obviously this is incorrect. Hopefully they update their website to let customers know they wont be able to connect in Alaska because as far as I know T-Mobile does not have towers up there.

You guys have way too much time on your hands 😂 But I appreciate you doing the research for the rest of us 🙏

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Trust me, I'll be doing the same kind of things the next time I go into the USA with this new Public Plan. 😁

Oh it's for sure blocked for PM customers. AFAIK Telus customers can still use AT&T. My assumption is that T-Mobile is the cheaper roaming contract for them, and because we earn them less money they're giving us the cheaper option. Every travel esim I've ever seen uses T-Mobile solely as well, so it wouldn't surprise me that they are the cheapest option. 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

No Problem! It was an issue I was eager to find more info on!

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Yeah it was very interesting. I should of tried calling my phone while on the AT&T network. The flickering of the LTE+ sign definitely had me thinking the network was blocked to Public mobile customers.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Same here, I'm scheduled for the change to 5G from the current 4G absolute no Brainer. 

Thanks so much for sharing this! 😊 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I am on the 4G Subscription but changing to the 5G plan next month since it is a free upgrade! 

My phone would connect to T-Mobile automatically when it was set to automatic mode. No issues there. I just went to manual mode and selected AT&T to see what would happen.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Very interesting, thank you for this very helpful information! I love hearing about people testing out the Canada-US Plan!

Are you on the 4G or 5G Canada-US Subscription?

What happened when your Network Selection was set to Automatic with Roaming Settings enabled, any issues there?

Mayor / Maire

No roaming arrangement with AT&T for Public Mobile customers, just TMobile. There used to be, and you might even find website content that says there is, but there isn't. Only T-Mobile for over a year now. Telus likely still does, but that's a different beast.

Edit: I missed that you said you could receive SMS on at&t. That's really interesting!

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