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US Roaming

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I purchased the US roaming bundle with 250meg. Once it expired I tried to repurchase it but it looks like I accidentally bought the talk and text only without the date. Is it possible to reverse the purchase or change it to the data which is what I originally wanted. I'm though I selected the roaming bundle on the right of the screen so I'm not sure what happened. 


Mayor / Maire


If your 10 days (240 hours) is not expired yet on your original US Roaming add on bundle then you just bought yourself a glitch with your talk services as well. Your voice calls will drop after 1 minute and 53 seconds and 3 beeps.


Contact customer support and explain your dilemma in detail. If you do this via private message include the info to pre-verify your account and indicate the US Roaming data add on you would like. (Add an extra $5 if you want the $20/1gb add on.) The CSA will remove the talk+text bundle and add the data add on instead and credit any difference to your account balance.


Including all the info necessary may get the overnight CSA to just perform your request and then send you a message that your support request has been completed. Ask for a review link to provide pm with feedback on the customer support you recieved. Otherwise expect a reply in your private message box in the morning once they open back up at 6am eastern.





To contact customer support click below:

To pre-verify your account include in your private messaging only your full name, address, email, phone # and 4 digit acct pin #.

Mayor / Maire

Yeah the maze of add ons can make things a little difficult. A CSA may be able to manually make the change your are looking for. You would have to pay the difference, but time is of the essence!

Mayor / Maire

Did your talk or text stop working? If so then you could just buy a standalone data roaming add-on. If your talk or text was working when you ran out of data then you're in a different problem.

If your talk or text is not now working and you would rather have the same add-on then you need to go through the support people.


@GdulaSteve   if you try to buy the same add-on immediately after  your old one expires, you will either have to wait 24 hours or ask PM support to manually purchase for you.  Understand you have got the wrong one, so, you can submit a request to have PM to sort this out for you.  To open ticket with PM support:



1. If you have access to My account: Click on the bubble on the lower right or

Start by typing "Submit a ticket", then click "Contact Us", Then click "Other", then click "Click here to submit a ticket ↗" 

2. If you don't have access to My Account or have trouble with Chatbot: Private message CS Agent at:

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on the top right) after the ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply you there

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