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U.S. Add-On Not Working

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I was in the States and had an emergency and went to make a phone call or a text and guess what--the U.S. add-on I paid for wasn't working!   It said I wasn't allowed to send texts or make phone calls, even though I had paid for the add-on days before. (Thanks for that Public Mobile, leaving me with no way to get help in an emergency situation in another country.) Then I went on here to submit a simple ticket and I can't even do that after spending a half an hour just trying to get to the ticket submission because of the crazy verification process.  In any case, hoping someone from customer service will read this and apply my U.S. add-on ASAP.  You took two different payments out of my account for it, so it should be working.  This horrible customer service experience and being stranded in an emergency situation is enough to make me switch to a different cell phone company.  I need to be able to trust in my cell phone service and it's ridiculous to make it this difficult to get assistance with account issues.  I shouldn't have to go on a public community board to get assistance with private account issues. 


Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes, I did that, thank you!

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks everyone!

Mayor / Maire

This place is good for venting out frustration but you will be talking to PM customers like you.

To complain to PM, you will have to send them private note as per provided link. Ticketing system currently does not work as it cannot verify your account even after providing correct credentials.


Did you do two-step add-on purchase?

Purchasing an add-on after logging in into your PM account is a two-step process. You need to load funds first and then purchase add on.

  1. Add funds to your PM account: Any funds to buy add-ons come from your balance, so manually add funds to your available balance first.
  2. Buy Add-On: You will actually buy the add-on after you add funds to your account or else you won't have funds to actually buy the add-on. Funds to buy add-on come from Your account (after adding funds in step #1) and not directly from your credit card.

Not applicable

Click on Plan Details on your overview page and report back what you see there. Also what is your Available Funds balance? Can you change networks to either T-Mobile or AT&T. Perhaps your phone is fixed-set on manual Public Mobile.

Not applicable


For US Roaming 10 day packages
Unlimited U.S. Talk, Text and 250MB Data Bundle = $20
Unlimited U.S. Talk and Text Bundle = $15
Unlimited U.S. Talk Only = $8
Unlimited U.S. Text Only = $8
U.S. Data Only 10 day packages
250MB = $10
500MB = $15
1GB = $20


when you visit U.S. then Purchase it,

sign in to Self-Serve, to review your account, if you found at Available Funds: $$

Try To Purchase Add-Ons Using Your Self-Serve Account

Follow these steps:

  1. Click on ‘Purchase Add- Ons’ on the Overview tab and scroll down to the Add-On calculator.
  2. Click the plus sign (+) to add and the minus sign (-) to remove selected Add-ons.
  3. When you’ve added all your desired Add-Ons, click ‘Buy Add-Ons’ or ‘Make a Payment’ below the calculator:
    • You will see ‘Make a Payment’ instead of ‘Buy Add-Ons’
  4. Select ‘Confirm my purchase’,
  5. after purchase successful you have to do Rebooting your phone
    what is meant by rebooting the device turn off and turn it back on.


review of Add-ons visit Here link...

make sure enable roaming on,
Try manually selecting either of  AT&T or T-Mobile, whichever works best for you,
for Re-Purchase Add-ons you need to wait 25 hours after the expiry first Purchase Add-ons or you need to Contact Customer Support Agent by CS_Agentto them do it for you...

  • send a private message to Customer Support Agent by Click Here link...

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire



You will need to send a private message to @CS_Agent , they will get it resolved within a day or two.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@juliemozz  We are all customers like you on these forums. 


Send Public Mobile customer support a private message at link below.


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