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Trying to switch fron Canada only to Canada/US plan?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I would like to switch my current Canada only plan(50G/$34) to Canada / US(50G/ $34) . Not finding options to be able so?? 


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I had similar concerns / questions and posted this yesterday...
Click below and many of your questions should be addressed and answered!

**** !!! Click Here and Check It out !!! *** 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I see it now! Thank you for your help its in the '++' note section for this promo.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@Sjohnson30  I was told that it is clarified in the notes to the plan that it includes data so maybe check there.  

@Sjohnson30 , when I look at the $40 Canada-US Promotion is says 75GB within Canada and the US Data at 5G Speed 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Interesting.. because in the new signup promo it specifically mentions 50GB data 'Within the Canada and US at 5G', while the existing subscriber promo for $40/75GB just '75GB at 5G speeds'. Do you have the link where CS_Agent confirmed?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Sjohnson30 - There is data, but it is incorrect wording and was confirmed by CS_Agent that there is 75GB of data in Canada & USA.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I think the $40/mo CAN - US plan doesn't include Data though, only minutes in the US? (unless I'm reading it wrong)

In which case, not really worth it. for $6/mo extra. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@OniSango - Most people who have 50GB $34 were not permitted to get the Canada us plan because it is the same amount of data, but you can try! 

There is a 50/50 chance of getting it by CS_Agent, if you just renewed your plan recently, you will lose your rest of the month since it changes immediately by CS_Agent. They do have the right to refuse the change.

 ⬇️ Click the link for an Agent * ⬇️

* - CS_Agent will typically get back to you within 48 hours. CS_Agent is currently on overhaul from the New Activations Only Plan tickets & requests, so the minimum wait time is possibly 12 hours. You will be required to login to your Public Mobile Community Account to contact CS_Agent. Please ensure that you pay attention for an agent because they may notify you asking for some information via Private Message, in your mailbox by clicking this link here: Messages

Mayor / Maire

Hello @OniSango 

Several members have reported no success when it's an even amount swap. $34 plan for $34 plan. If you were on a lower plan and "upgrading" you'd have a better change. Only option for you IMO is to do the $40 75GB Can/US plan. Others here will give you the link to a CS Agent to ask them. But I already know the answer so I won't waste your time. 🙂 

EDIT: Not saying @Sansan is wasting your time. LOL. He's good people.

Mayor / Maire

You can try asking cs at the link below. I'm sure you know thats only for new activations.

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