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The community does not support laptop very well.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

The Public Mobile community is very good, there are many people who are willing to provide help. I appreciate this. 

Anyway, I have three suggestions. 

1. We have two phone numbers with Public Mobile, and it's a little bit messy when we use one laptop to log into two different accounts and post questions here. It seems the website is always confused by two accounts. 

I hope Public Mobile can improve this. 

2. When I submit a ticket, there are always nice but different agents trying to help, but the issue is that every time I have to tell the story from the beginning, or the agents suggest different ways it's hard for me to follow. 

3. After I log in to my account, and click the community in the menu, it does not go to the community. I can not check my message. I have to go to my email, click the link there and go to my message.

Thank you!



@AliceLeiLei , what browser are you using.  This site does appear to suffer from data caching issues.  Most people use incognito mode for mission critical activities within the online to ensure success.  What you are experiencing is cross contamination of cached data between your accounts.  As for interacting with support, you do have to be wary of responses and be able to respond back relatively quick within the same shift so that a single agent will handle your case.  Agents are supposed able to take handoffs from the prior shift so that customers do not have to start all over but this is somewhat variable as agents seem to do things very differently.  With respect to using the community link from within the online account, I do find it to work but again it could be data caching that messes things up.  Going from online account to community spawns two separate tabs which is different in behavior than going from community to online account.  Yeah the web design is a bit of a work in progress.  

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

OK, will do that. Thank you!



1.  to make life easier, use 2 different browsers for the two accounts Or always  use Incognito mode to login if you are staying with one browser

3. what link did you use to login Community?  try using this, use it on Incognito mode



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