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The TRUTH about PM's plans...

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I've been around PM for a long time and I've seen and experienced the ups and downs of being a client of theirs. Things aren't getting any better so I thought I'd give some genuine advice on which plan to pick.


Since they don't seem to offer a plan that has a large amount of data available I've usually just stuck to the largest 5G plan and when the data is used up I just renew the same plan on that day whether it be a month or not. Usually sometime around 3 weeks. But I'm okay with that, what else can I do right? Well I thought I'd be thrifty seeing as the economy's gone for a **bleep** and sign up on one of those quote unquote unlimited data plans... HA! Well just like usual I used my 50 gigs or whatever around the 3-week mark, PM sent me a text message saying I was out of data and what I like to buy a top up at an exorbitant price... No thank you where's my unlimited data? Well shortly after I get another prompt from p.m. stating that my unlimited "throttled" or "speed reduced" data has now kicked in. Now if you're someone like myself, who relies on cell phone carrier provided data more so than Wi-Fi, the reduced speed data is beyond pathetically slow, 90% of anything I tried to do times out, anything streaming related is frustratingly choppy or doesn't even load at all. Any new window or new search through any engine would certainly lose the race against an old school encyclopedia lookup. PM States you can have speeds up to 512 megabytes per second with the throttled portion of your unlimited data package... Please note the " UP TO " portion of that statement. I personally didn't receive anything remotely close to that. I tested using several times with the blazingly fast peak download speed of 1.2 Mbps!!!! All that's good for is some frustration or perhaps a test of patience. Granted we live in a fast world where we expect things to happen with a snap of a finger but when you're led down that road by the advertising and like a good little Johnny or Suzy you buy into it, I figure it's only fair you get something remotely close to what you thought you were paying for. Instead all I got was                   . So so there's your free tidbit of advice if you're having trouble picking a plan. I suggest you just pay for the fast **bleep** and renew it when it's empty. Maybe one day PM will come around and offer a plan that's got enough data to last a month so I don't have to keep going through this BS. And to all of you who polite and impolite know it all's, yes my phone is dialed in correctly. All the settings are as they should be to receive a optimal data connection, full bars under the coverage umbrella. So please refrain from giving me the step-by-step on how to do this and that.

My 2¢


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Will this satisfy your usage need? 👇


You started with your suggestion to high data users and then had a rant. You weren't looking for a solution.
I wonder the same thing as RobFranchise - for a mobile device. So if you have any concern about the quantity of data you're using and then the slowness of the unlimited then conserve the data you have as much reasonably possible under your usage pattern. Then instead of 21 days and running out, maybe you'd get 25 days. Or something.
Factual errors in rants infuriate me. Some rants are great. I agree with many. Not all of yours.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

How do you use 50gigs in 3 weeks? 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

How about I MIGHT NOT WANT TO EXPLORE some data management techniques. What part of what I wrote EVER gave you the idea that data management might be a viable option to solve the issue? Perhaps READ the entire post before ASSuming you've solved another person's dilemma! Way to save the day!!! People like you infuriate me. 

Mayor / Maire

Well, 1.2Mbps (or 1200kbps) is a hair more than twice the advertised speed of .512Mbps (512kbps). They advertise k not M. So what's the complaint? No provider ever promises streaming HD videos (for example) on their throttled unlimited speed.
You might want to explore some data management techniques though.

Mayor / Maire

All speed tiers on all providers is "up to". Too many factors at play to guarantee speed. As for the unlimited throttle speed, it's 512Kbps, not Mbps; which is double most other unlimited plans out there, and 4x some.

If you need that much data you might want to  consider switching to a different provider. 

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Hey, I hope you're doing well! 

I read the whole post & I feel that you're somewhat frustrated with the service & plan offerings! Well, compared with other flanker brands, I feel that PM still has better offerings. I moved from Fido, I guess, in September & till now, I have no complaints though! 
I used to get 55 gigs for $50 + taxes, with 1000 mins calling to 5 more countries, including the UK, but, I left that too, thinking I would come here & enjoy 5G + unlimited data, and I have no regrets! I understand the part where you mentioned, you prefer mobile data over Wifi, that's good & I do it too!
I usually stay outside, most of the week, so yeah, data is my support, by the way, I have the $40 plan for PM, and I adjust well to it now, after a month or two, I even complete the data, by the 28th or 29th day! 
I guess if you do not mind, I would like to suggest something, I made it a thing, I do not use data, in downtown much or when not needed, I do not watch anything on YT or Insta, which consumes data, so, it is easier to save it but, still I make the best use out of it! 
Maybe even if it says Unlimited, I have used it, and I could do a WhatsApp call on it too, I was amazed as well, trust me! So, it might depend on the location too, so, it varies! 
I hope you understand! 
If you still wanna raise a ticket or talk to a CS agent, feel free to let them know about your feedback, hope they will cooperate & note it down! 
Here we go -

Have a good one : )

Mayor / Maire

HI @Fedupclient 

if you need to much data, isn't it better to got with Koodo or Telus ? They might give you some device incentive as well

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