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System Glitch with Data, Maybe?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I have a 15 GB plan and am well aware when I use a lot of data and will either go over or come close by the end of the cycle period, which rarely happens. However, my current cycle began and 2 days later I am at usage of over 7GB. I did a trial and error from last evening to today by making sure the hotspot was turned off as it was anyways, as well as cellular data on my phone was off. I was on home wifi, but fast forward to today and I got the 75% used notification and by keeping track of the usage I used 3GB in less than a 24 hour period which seems impossible. No streaming, watching videos, etc. I noticed last month too that data was being used up quickly, but I didn’t think too much of it. Am I missing something or is it possibly a glitch?


Mayor / Maire

Disable background data, disable automatic sync/updates/checks. Or at least restrict them, allow data permissions only for apps you decide need data permissions, disable data permissions for all others. This includes disabling stuff like "Find My Phone" and "Device Locator" - if you want and need those services to keep running them leave them on but if you don't then turn them off.


Indeed, it's best to just get in the habit of turning data off when you're not actively using it. Only turn it on when you need data for an app on screen to work properly, turn if off again immediately afterwards. There is really no reason to get instant sync, update, notifications when the phone is in your pocket - just let them run when you run the app itself and kill them again (until next time) when you're done running the app.


View the mobile versions of websites, whenever it's an option. They are designed for mobile bandwidths and mobile screens.


Use a text-only mobile browser. Or a text-only extension/feature of your mobile browser. It will only download and display non-text objects when you click on them.


Don't clear your browser and app caches unless you need to. Downloading their contents again uses data.


Don't expect much from a proprietary smartphone OS. Google, Samsung, Apple, etc. It is preconfigured to maximize telemetry (to track your locations and activities, to send "your" data) with a mothership on the cloud. If you rely on these features then you simply have to accept that they consume data you're paying for.


Likewise, if you use data-heavy apps (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Spotify, Twitter, tiktok, Netflix, Youtube) then you simply have to accept they burn through a lot of data. Even when not actively playing audio/video content. These apps quickly consume your data whenever they're open and they consistently leech your data even when they're not on screen. Far more data than you might reasonably expect.


You might have some sort of hidden malware/spyware app you don't want (as in, an extra one which somehow infested your device operating system, not one the manufacturers installed). I don't think this is very likely. But there are antivirus and antimalware tools out there you might choose to run.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Yes, I did that. 2 data numbers for each day and added everything up and doesn’t come close to 11 GB being used. 

Mayor / Maire

Speedtests and social media pages filled with little video hover boxes can consume a surprising amount of data in each session. As can streaming video services like Youtube, Netflix, etc. At LTE speeds, you can easily burn hundreds of megabytes or a few gigabytes in minutes. Even with the Enea/Openwave Wireless Network Experience Optimization feature built into the Telus network.


Background data - constant checks for notifications, constant checks for updates, constant telemetry - can also consume a surprising amount of data over time. A few apps have become notorious - the Tim Horton's app, the McD's app - they are apparently written badly, they consume unnecessary huge amounts of data over time. Many people are unaware of just how data-hungry the telemetry can be - a "de-Googled" Pixel phone (with all the Google proprietary "firebase" services removed/replaced) usually consumes a tiny fraction of the data when "idle" (and also usually lasts at least twice as long per battery charge because the radio isn't always active). iPhones are likely just as bad, although there is no real way to "de-Apple" them without "jailbreaking" and lobotomizing so much of the operating system that it becomes useless (and there's little point, since they'll default to the hidden "Apple mesh" network to maintain telemetry anyhow, which will still consume your data and your battery).


Poor network connection - low signal bars, weak radio (from weak battery), lots of noise or traffic on the network - can also consume a surprising amount of data. These things don't consume data directly, they add data overhead from high volume of errors and packet re-sends. Self-Serve reports what is measured (sent and received) from the network side - and it's the only metric which matters because it's the one you'll pay for - even when data usage measured on the device itself is very different.

Mayor / Maire


You have to start over the usage filter by type doesn't work. You have to download everything and add up the twice daily data usage updates back to your renewal. Sorry I meant to mention that.....

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

It maxed out at 15GB last month.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I filtered to the last 7 days, but oddly enough when the spreadsheet opened, it was right back to January. I only added up for the last week.

Mayor / Maire


It sounds like the 7gb is what you had leftover from last month. Contact customer support and ask them to reset your data counter to 15.247GB.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I went back and did that just now. I did incognito mode and I downloaded the detailed spreadsheet and added up the megabytes and it is 181.53 MB used from April 19-25.

@tina9099 it's good you use Incognito mode.  And how about the front page?   does it show 181Mb on the front page too?


and keep in mind, although yiubfilter April 19-25, the latest 12 hours usage were not posted yet

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I did incognito mode and I downloaded the detailed spreadsheet and added up the megabytes and it is 181.53 MB used from April 19-25. Using an iPhone.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I did incognito mode and I downloaded the detailed spreadsheet and added up the megabytes and it is 181.53 MB used from April 19-25.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I did incognito mode and I downloaded the detailed spreadsheet and added up the megabytes and it is 181.53 MB used from April 19-25.

Mayor / Maire


Have you checked each of your apps data usage to see if there is an obvious culprit? Maybe you got caught out by the Apple device syncing data like photos and used wifi assist?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I am well aware there are no overages as such! I use the term over as in “maxed out.” The post is questioning the rapid use of data in such a short period, not whether or not PM offers overage data!

Mayor / Maire



Small point - you can't go "over" your data.  There are no overages here, as is the case with most prepaid services.


What you have is what you have and once it's consumed it just stops until you add more or your cycle renews.

Mayor / Maire


Download your usage for the past 7days and add it up back to your renewal. Keep in mind there will be a little carry over from your renewal but you will have a good idea if the data counter in your account is correct or not. Your data counter may have not reset upon renewal. if this looks like the issue you can get customer support to reset it.



please use Incognito mode to check the usage again

Also, are you using Android or iPhone?  there are different ways to compare the usage. Let us know 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire



You should ensure that your apps on your phone is not using data in the background. Also the most accurate count of data usage is logging into your account in incognito and refreshing the page with the spinner icon…is that how you checked your data usage?

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