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Mayor / Maire

This NEEDS to be top priority

Major account problem


I have filed complaint to CCTS as of this morning as no response from any Public Mods yet in past 2 weeks & this is URGENT

@Shazia_K @Mary_M @Saray_O @Val_T @Jeremy_M



2 weeks ago I completed future plan change to the $40 12GB promo plan

I expressed concern for what appeared to be an error message & sent PM to @Shazia_K with no response (appears like PM has not even been read yet)


I noticed yesterday some more oddities on my online account

I was missing a refer credit (my referal said my number was invalid) so I then sent a PM to @Mary_M since Shazia did not respond to previous PM

No response


I then noticed a second strange fact; my online use history showed no use for past 3 days but I was busy so did not think anything about it


Then my phone stopped working


I posted a few threads, tagging Mods again, and sent more private messages which went unread

I even sent a message to @Saray_O


I thought it was garbage I needed to waste my $5 for using a spare SIM but did so

The second SIM also was not working claiming no provision


So I have been unable to use my service despite plan being active and having a balance in my account of over $200 !!!!


Today someone called my number and  . . . . SOMEONE ELSE ANSWERED THE PHONE


So even though my online account is showing ACTIVE with a BALANCE my SIM is NOT PROVISIONED and somehow Public has GIVEN MY PHONE NUMBER TO SOMEONE ELSE with a new activation yesterday ???


I actually called into call centre but it just disconnects claiming no phone support and I need to use online help






Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@kav2001c trust no one!


Interesting about the SIMs.  I suppose it's more of a policy thing than an actual technical limitation, but they can make exceptions for exceptional situations like this?  Seems fair enough I suppose.  What a weird ordeal though.  I'm glad you're on the right side of the peak at least.  Wind?  Oh you mean Freedom Mobile?  LOL.


Sorry for whatever reason you didn't make the oracle cut.  Even as an oracle I couldn't tell you exactly what the criteria is.  It's a fun title and all, but people tend to expect more from you.  And I feel bad when I don't know all the answers.  Aren't oracles supposed to know everything??  Oh and I can't tell you [not enough fingers and toes to count that high!] the number of private messages I've gotten from people recently thinking I'm an employee that can get into PM systems and actually do useful things to help them.  The best I can do is reply and include one of the mods as a recipient on the priv msg or maybe point them in the right direction or something.  It was an honour to be chosen, but I wouldn't worry too much about it honestly.  You're certainly one of the more active and helpful community members and I'd include you among the VIPs and Elites around here--at least in my books, for what that's worth! [hint: sadly, not much!]

>>> ALERT: I am not a moderator. For account or activation assistance, please click here.

@srlawren exactly Cat Very Happy

Back in the day (because noone knew how rankings worked) I was very closely monitoring my status

Once 2 long term stopped posting (778 left Public & Martin was very unfortunate though I obviously had no idea at the time) I was quite excited to get into top ranking for badges


Then I never got my ranking which started months of conspiracy theories which I eventually posted trying to sound mods out as to how exactly ranking system worked Cat Wink



Yes I can use my PUBLIC phone (hooray)

Trust me when I say Wind's network is still trash and I feel dirty even using their service (haha)


Billing will be a big issue later (as mentioned above I have "lost" nearly $200 along with all my recurring credits for referals / loyalty / community etc)

In the end they needed to create an entirely new account for me (which *cues X-files music* shows they could re-use SIMs)


But like I said I have nearly 90 days until bill becomes an issue


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@kav2001c just to be clear, you're back up and running now with your proper phone number and full service, right?  And the only thing remaining to be fixed is [a/some] referral reward[s]?  


Conspiracy theory eh?  I did a quick community search for "conspiracy" from author kav2001c and the closest thing I could find was a vague mention of it when talking about PM using proprietary algorithms for community rankings.  Is that what you're talking about, or is there more details to your theory I couldn't [easily] find?  

>>> ALERT: I am not a moderator. For account or activation assistance, please click here.

@WearySky I had no cell phone. I was on computer CONSTANTLY Cat LOL



Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
They can read from their email, if they do that, they don't get marked.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

My only takeaway from this thread is that you've posted enough here to get a Deputy Mayor title and didn't know that PMs don't get marked as read even when the mods read them 🙂

@Eug naw I ain't no VIP man. They offered me a People of Public then nixed it and when I thought for sure I get the Oracle status they changed the rules (you can read my conspiracy theory for it he he he)


But seriously, my issue has been ongoing 

You can see my original posts for number problems date back to *MARCH*

My serious issue cropped up almost 3 weeks ago

And I lost service between 17th to 22nd


All of this on an existing account

(no changes whatsoever)

And from a technical standpoint, while phone is working the account issues are still pending


CCTS BTW is a dirty word (see my joke of the day thread)




Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Some possible lessons from this thread.


1. Maybe VIPs in this forum have a bit of an advantage in getting customer service.

2. Yelling as loud as you can over the interent into this forum can actually aid in getting your issue resolved.

3. One mod may not have much knowledge of what the other mod is doing. So perhaps multiple messages are in fact more beneficial than just sending one message and waiting.

4. CCTS is an alert word that might help in getting your issue resolved.


OK, I'm partially joking, but only partially.


Note, this is not a criticism of this thread, or of the mods. Our Deputy Mayor definitely had to post this thread IMO, and the mods are trying to address it, but it's just a vivid illustration of why I actually stopped recommending Public Mobile to colleagues not too long after the promotion started, which is ironic because I was recommending it before the promotion.

Wow that was a rough boot

But after a bit SIM has settled back on Public LTE Cat Very Happy


I still will keep this thread for smaller issues but main stuff is taken care of

Lesser issues can be addressed after (mind you, they still owe me $$$ so I won't forget lol)


@Rkvtycoon & @saje_ward it appears my issues will be resolved soon

The main issues (lost number & suspended account) seem fixed (I can't actually test until tonight but dialing my number at least now shows voice mail + new log on for online) 


So I am confident Shazia (and earlier Saray) have resolved the tech issues


The remaining issues are more billing related so I can wait until end of bill cycle to get resolved


As mods said they are doing no service requests first


Mine took about 6 days to fix (but mine was an existing number not a port) so some others may take longer


CCTS is more for the larger issues (in my case taking number and billing for service)

It is certainly your right to speak with them but if new account it would not be much (unless you decided to cancel, and trust me after Freedom/Wind joke announcement really this is best current plan in Canada)



Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
I'm with you. CCTS seems to be the way to go at this stage.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Sounds like you're getting the issue resolved. I would love to be able to use my phone..... Going on 5 days with port over issue and no response. It seems the only thing to do is contact the CCTS because this is ridiculous.

Ok updates


Saray advised me via private message she was unsure how glitch happened but she was able to recover my phone number. She was stuck as system was glitched so she could not provision SIM card.


Shazia has now apparently provisioned SIM card (at least now when I call in it is going straight to voice mail) & has restarted my account (so existing balance + data issue are also resolved)

She said needs to do new account for this



Still to fix (lower priority)

I need to bug mods to reload my prepaid account balance 

I need to bug mods to add on my loyalty bonus (2 year credit)

I need to bug mods to add on my referals again (11)

I need to make sure new account links to my Community presence (badges + rewards)

I need to create new account since old one is locked out now


I think thats it but (probably) tonight I will be back on Public

Cat Very Happy

@computergeek541 that's funny 


kav2001c,  as is CRT  (c).  I found out that if you mention that or the "bad word" in your post,  it appears as if it triggers some type of automatic alert to the moderators and you get sent a private message. At least that's what happened to me.  Ironically, my service is running without any issues.  The message I received wasn't a warning or anything about using "bad words" but just something similar to "please contact us via private message so that we can assist you".   The message from the moderator had a subject line of something like  "keyword filter: community username mentioned mentioned cct (s) in post".

Just to lighten the mood

Apparently CCTS is a "bad word" now on Public Mobile Cat LOL


Next step, lets ask Simon Cat Wink

@Shazia_K ok PM sent



Retraité / Retired
Retraité / Retired



I'm sorry about this!


Was Saray able to help you out? if not, send me a short detail of the issue with account related information such as (Sim card #, phone number etc.. )





* Please do not post private info such as: phone number, account number, pin etc.. This is a public forum.

@Shazia_K I had been speaking to Saray for this account but saw you were online 

My line is still not working



Still unable to use my phone

SIM card still not provisioned as of today

When I attempt to dial my phone number it gives an error message: "2T2 your call did not go through. Please try again." 

The error message loops a few times then I get a busy tone.

My account has 0 GB remaining & $0 as well which also prevents use.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
Have you heard anything?

Still not resolved Cat Sad

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
I don't blame you

I should really log off 

I am obsessed with checking my account every couple of hours lol


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
They must have inputted your number or something when activating. I feel for you 😞

@Rockdaddy22 the thing I find bizarre is this is not even a new account. I am coming up on my second anniversary.


Noone can answer how someone else could have knocked my SIM out with their brand new activation to try and take my cell number


Although I was laughing about it after anger subsided when I realized how many calls this poor new Public client was getting


I am very curious though what they could do for him as PR


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
This is an insane issue

Bumping my issue

Less concerned now as it seems something is happening but still have no service


What the heck...

SIM card shows "Public Mobile" but registers on "PC Mobile" now???

It also gives me selection to choose "Koodo" or "Telus"?


No surprise I can not make any calls and can not use any data 

But why does SIM card regsiter on other Telus networks now???


Need Help? Let's chat.