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So when did they eliminate loyalty/payment discounts and increase monthly charges?

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

This year has been a tough one, so I only just noticed my bill has gone up five dollars. It appears they eliminated the digital payment and loyalty discounts. Did we get any recompense for this besides some kind of reward points that don't actually save us money on a monthly basis?

Probably the rest of you are up on this, but I am peeved. I'm only getting 1 GB of data as it is. Feel a little betrayed, as I don't think they should remove previous deals to increase your bill. Pretty sure I can get a better price elsewhere. 


HI @Lizdav 

Remember, PM's current plan price are very aggressive. The prices are as good as what you get from other carriers but you get to save 5% in points on top

But yes, go with the wallet 🙂

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Best thing to do is find a new provider. That’s what I’m going to do.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I'm sure that's the corporate answer. A good-will gesture would've done more.

@Sam-I-Am  .if your hit except solution instead of reply , you can fix that your self , on post you meant to hit reply to  tap the downs arrow by time stamp top right of the post . Tap it and you can edit it 

technically, they have grandfathered the plan price.   you plan price was never change, just you are getting less discount and makes you pay more

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I think they should have grandfathered us in at our old prices. I already had discounts for bringing people in. All those people are already captured and in the same boat.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Sorry meant to hit reply rather than "accepted solution" but I'm grateful for you help anyway! Yeah, I usually look at texts from them, but didn't see any of these deals. The only deals I've been offered are for $27 a month. Darn. I need to keep on top of things. I wish phone providers didn't let you keep on paying more than you have to.

no one like to see the legacy rewards gone.  Unfortunately, it happened.  So, we now only enjoy the 5% points.  A good way to save money now is to bring friends over, 1 point per cycle, more friends more points. 

HI @Sam-I-Am 

sorry, you can only change to plan available on your Change Subscription page on My Account

actually PM changed the rewards system in May.  Around May or Jun, they offered everyone a $19 1GB plan, so you missed that.  They also offered existing subscribers a 90 days plan for $25 for 15GB per 30 days, but you missed that good deal too.  So, check back My Account a lot for better deals

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I feel dumb. 

The only other plans I'm interested in are "for new activations only." I assume I'm not eligible for these. The others are more than I can afford. I'd be interested in the $23 one but - "new activations only."

Mayor / Maire

@Sam-I-Am  Yes they switched as all to the new points system this past may I think it was . No more loyalty $ just 10 points once a year , no more auto pay $2 just 5% back on plan. Spend only thing that kept same value is Friend refferals $1 for each front every 30 days is now 1 point . All this to say you now have to go to your rewards portal in account to redeem $15 off your bill once you have earned 15 points . It sux we all got punched in the gut with this change 😞

Mayor / Maire

hi @Sam-I-Am 

you were wondering where the autopay/loyalty discount/friend rewards gone?   PM has ended that old system and moved everyone to the new Public Points!!

So, now you have to pay full price first and PM will give you back points after.  Instead of loyalty rewards monthly, you get 10 points per year on your anniversary date with Public Mobile.  Instead of $2 autopay discount, you get 5% of your plan in points.  

And the points are useful to reduce the bill. After you got 15+ points, you will go to rewards site to redeem 15 points for $15 bill credit

But you are on $25 plan? did you login My Account and check if there are cheaper plans with more data offered for you?  like $23 for 3GB or something like that

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