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Signal Strength - PM vs Telus

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Hi there, 

I know that PM is using Telus towers for signal, but is the same strength? I'm having some signal issues indoor, like shopping malls and I doubt that Telus customers have it too. Any way to test that?



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi. I have a work phone that is Telus and my personal phone PM and both have the same signal strength throughout the GTA.


Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

It's the exact same network, no differences. In fact, my phone is rooted and the network name just displays "TELUS" instead of Public Mobile, since apparently there is normally a code that the SIM card sends to phones to change the word "TELUS" to "Public Mobile" for normal unrooted phones, because it's literally just the Telus network under a pseudonym.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

There is no difference I have an eSIM 

for Telus sim for PM same thing 

Mayor / Maire

No @Camera4617 

Not related. 

I have an alternate service with a Big 3 provider on the 5G Network, and I also have reduced signal capability in large concrete structures which would include malls.

It's likely environmental, device, and signal to nearest cell tower related. 

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

It's unlikely that this would be an issue of signal strength (we'd all be complaining). Maybe check your phone's network settings or have a friend with Telus nearby next time. 

Mayor / Maire


PM network is Telus don't really think Telus would choke down PM service, do you ?...nawwww !

Mayor / Maire

@Camera4617  Only to truly test it is have you and a friend from Telus to be in same spot at same time with same handsets . But as your aware PM is Telus and there should be no difference 

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