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September Give Back

Mayor / Maire


I have a few questions regarding how it works. I didn't receive any for September. 

I have never redeemed my points before so I'm not sure how it works if mine is correct. I redeemed multiple x 15 points a few weeks ago prior to my renewal day. It showed right away the funds as Available 👏.

Renewal day came and my bill was paid taking it from the Available funds 👌.  The rest stayed in Available, showing  next month still at 0.00 due. Then I realized that I didn't get the Give Back points 🙃

I am assuming that I didn't receive anything because I redeemed my points. There is no other reason why I didn't. Is this correct? Do we not get the Give Back points when we redeem?

I also didn't get any Points Back, but I assume that this part is correct so I'm not concerned. 

Please help me to understand 😌.


So since they have said it's not paid out yet, you will still be good.

Funny how the agent is able to say yes though... well they are on the inside so they should know.

HI @Neil11 

Sept rewards not given out yet, so you still don't know if you get it or not


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I didn't get any give back points either this month although I was just as active as last month when I got 2pts. In the past when I asked CS_AGENT about give back pts they said there is no specific formula and there is it up the marketing department 

HI @Handy1 

you might still get some 5% off if you have money in Available funds before, so idea is if you have $100 available funds from before migrating to points, the $100 will still get you the 5%. 

But it is weird, say you have $100 from before migration, you used $45 to renewal , you get the 5% (avaiable funds drop to $55)

then you decide to redeem 3x15 points , the available funds back to $100, another $45 renewal, this time you wont' get 5% because the system decide to use the $45 from the redemption and so it won't give you 5%


So I'm not talking about the 5%. I'm not looking at that currently.

What I'm referring to is the 5 points that I'm blessed to get each month for being active here. My renewal passed and it was not paid out.

You've all said it's not paid yet for September.  The agent said it was paid on my renewal already last week.  It usually is, but it's not there yet.

I guess I will wait to see over the next few days.

@hTideGnow  I have redeemed many times now . And that’s my point and I shared in my screen shot . I only twice didn’t get full 5% back but I did every other time and I’m always using reddemed points to pay 

HI @Handy1 

you never redeem yet? you should have many points

No, if you redeem the points and use it to pay , you won't get 5% out of it

So, if you have a $45 plan and if you redeem 3x 15 points for $45 credit, you don't get the 5% out of the $45

if you redeem only 30 points for $30, then a $30 available fund and they charge you additional $15 from credit card, you will get 5% from the $15 only

@hTideGnow  And @Sansan  I’m even more confused the community rewards are given as points now and when redeemed became available funds to be used on bill . When that happens you still get points back for that plan spend 5% back of the plan price . But sometimes you don’t get the full 5% back in points far as I know it to work 

@Sansan wrote:

and that it's in my available funds. That it will be automatically credited when those funds are used up

HI @Sansan 

the agent still reading off his old script, the Community rewards are not points and not fund since they moved everyone to Public Points. LoL

Mayor / Maire

I guess I'm being too anxious  😁. I know they were late for a few months. Then they started giving it out on day 5 or 6 for the last few months.

I contacted an agent and they told me it was already paid out last week and that it's in my available funds. That it will be automatically credited when those funds are used up??? Is that true? I won't see it until my funds are at 0?

It is not anywhere in my account. Is that because they didn't pay out yet and nothing to do with me redeeming.?What's in my available funds is what I redeemed...

@Sansan  I’m confused now are you taking about sept give back for community or the 5% back in plan spend that comes after renewal . I was thinking you were talking about the 5% back after renewal for plan price ?

HI @Sansan 

it used to be within 5 or 6 days of the month.  Then it started giving up randomly like mid last year or so.  They had as late as 20+ day into the month

Then start April this year, it went back to give out before 10th.  And this month is the latest out of the last half year

@BKNS27  thank you

@hTideGnow  strange, it's not? Well that would explain it. I always have it at renewal which passed  few days ago.

@Handy1  thanks for your reply. 

Mayor / Maire


We should get our September Give Back points soon.


Mayor / Maire

HI @Sansan 

Sept Give back points are not out yet


Mayor / Maire

@Sansan  I think that’s why because it was from your credits used and not paying in full . But what’s strange is I never pay in full anymore and varying amount of plan points percentage back usually it’s the full5% back though couple times it was less . It’s definitely confusing and not always so accurate 



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