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Self-serve login disabled while account valid until tomorrow

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
I tried to use autopay to credit again my account just before the 90 days inactivity deadline (I was abroad so I removed autopay). My account is valid until March 7th and I have to pay by today March 6th to reactivate my account. After reading advises on your forum, I registered again my credit card, reactivated autopay and paid 1$ with that same credit card, which I confirmed was credited either on my PM acount and my bank account yesterday. I also read a notice that autopay was activated again and I can disregard the message asking to pay to reactivate my account. I give it a try and thought I just have to pay myself tomorow in case autopay doesn't work throught the night (it always been obscure when exaclty autopay proceed to the payment). 
Last night autopay didn't work to pay the remaining about the balance needed to pay for my 15$ plan (minus the $2 discount), so I would like to proceed myself to the payment of the required balance to reactivat my account today but I can't access my account anymore today as of now. I got a message error about wrong ident/password combination while I used the same combination to log in yesterday. Nevertheless I tried the "forget password" thing, I now get a message "ForgotPassword/LoginUnsuccessfulUser_LoginDisabled". I don't understand, my account is suposed to be valid until tomorrow? What can I do now?

Mayor / Maire

@samyg wrote:

Hi dabr,

I just want to give a feedback on how it ended when I came back to Canada on March 13th. They were able to reactivate my sim card, but everything else lost. The former plan, the phone number and the previous time counting toward the loyalty reward.

I use so many mobile services in many countries, PM is the only exclusively self-service oriented provider I've used. Thus it's more important than ever to get reliable information through our online account to manage it ourselves. Information displayed about autopay and account validity not correct. It's a shame that reactivating autopay on suspended account we even get a confirmation about autopay active status while it won't. I found myself experimenting with this website, I am not the first one to face this here.

I am giving another try to PM, as they allowed me to keep my sim activated. I won't recommend it to my relatives and friend as long as no improvement is made with the website.

@samyg   Thanks for updating your thread and I'm really sorry to hear that you lost your account/number and the associated rewards along with it.  I'm actually surprised that PM allowed you to reuse your SIM though, but at least that saved you a few dollars.


The PM service, unfortunately, means we all have to be a little more proactive and hands on in managing our plans and the services, but that is also why we get lower prices compared to other providers and probably the reason why most of us stay despite some of it's shortcomings 😊   However, I agree it can be a bit confusing on how best to manage certain situations, but generally someone in the community will have an answer, so it's always a good idea to post and ask here first if you're uncertain how something will work.


Generally, if you need to suspend your account for an extended period, paying around day 85/86 to keep it from being deactivated works really well for most people.  But I think @mpcdesign  suggestion to pay perhaps earlier than that is a good idea if you are abroad.  It at least gives you more time to sort out any problems and have moderators/community assistance before it's too late.  BTW I believe mpcdesign's quip at the end of his/her post was just meant as a joke...and we could all use a little humour during this current situation.


Anyhow, it's good to hear that you are giving PM another chance and hopefully, it'll be mostly smooth sailing from now 🙂

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
mpcdesign, why would you assume people go abroad to play lazy golden tourist? That was absolutely not the case and it's none of your business anyway.

Now, thanks for advising us to "manually" pay 10 days prior the displayed validity date of the account to reactivate it. That's all folks need to know, don't assume we are here to play lottery.

This is my main reason why people should be re-activating their plan on day 80, and not on day 85 or day 89. **bleep** happens. And sometimes self-serve goes down. A voucher isn't activated or working as it should, or worse yet, you can't remember that dang password. 


If people are remembering the weird days of 85, 86, 87, 88, are literally playing with fire. 10 days out from the end game isn't a big deal. Write the next due date on the calendar. Upload or put in a reminder on the Google calendar. yahoo calendar. Heck, even a post-it note works great. 

I have one on my front door, get milk for the kids! And when I get it, I put it high up on the door, and when it's time to get more milk, I lower that stickier down so its eye-level. 

I don't understand why it's Public Mobile's fault that you forgot to re-activate your plan? For all the system knows, you won the lottery and skipped the country for sunny beaches at Turcs & Caois. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi dabr,

I just want to give a feedback on how it ended when I came back to Canada on March 13th. They were able to reactivate my sim card, but everything else lost. The former plan, the phone number and the previous time counting toward the loyalty reward.

I use so many mobile services in many countries, PM is the only exclusively self-service oriented provider I've used. Thus it's more important than ever to get reliable information through our online account to manage it ourselves. Information displayed about autopay and account validity not correct. It's a shame that reactivating autopay on suspended account we even get a confirmation about autopay active status while it won't. I found myself experimenting with this website, I am not the first one to face this here.

I am giving another try to PM, as they allowed me to keep my sim activated. I won't recommend it to my relatives and friend as long as no improvement is made with the website.

Mayor / Maire

@samyg wrote:

Thank you dabr, I am getting in touch with a moderator. I am toataly not enchanted to lose either my plan I was happy with and no longer proposed as of today and also to lose my simcard activation.

@samyg   I do hope it works out for you and that it's not already too late for the moderators to do something to keep your account and number because if it's been over 90 days they may not be able to re-activate your account.  Your number could also be lost if it wasn't originally from either Telus/Koodo or PM.  Hopefully, that isn't the case!


Anyway, keep us posted and let us know if the moderators were able to resolve this for you.  Good luck:)

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

More than autopay that didn't work my problem is rather this wrong reactivation date information. Not only my plan expired early, but apparently also my entire account and probaly my simcard too.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thank you dabr, I am getting in touch with a moderator. I am toataly not enchanted to lose either my plan I was happy with and no longer proposed as of today and also to lose my simcard activation.

@samyg wrote:

Thanks gblackma, I understand the 90 days rules. I thought reactivating my account 2 days before the last day of validity would be enough. Yesterday I had a notice on my profile I have to pay by March 6th 23:59, which is today, and the validity of my account is March 7th, tomorrow. I tried my luck submitting a ticket to a moderator 

Public Mobile is showing you bad information. Your plan actually expired 24 hours earlier. Recently, the date in on the first page of self serve to match that of the first day of the new 30 days. Unfortunately, Public Mobile should have gotten rid of that 11:59pm message but never did.


I am strongly suspecting that the reactivate by date was affected as well.

Mayor / Maire

@samyg wrote:

After spending quite some times reading this forum about the quirks of reactivating autopay, someone suggested to pay $1 that should help enable the automatic payment. So I tried it yesterday thinking I could always pay myself today as it is stated on my accound I have until today March 6 23:59 to pay. After all the reading here I barely expected autopay to work.. but I was sure I could pay online today! If it stated yesterday my account it is valid until March 7, that's still tomorrow. Why my account seems to have been cancelled one day earlier than the payment dealdline?

I am writing here as I don't get why today I can no longer access the online self-service to proceed to the payment online, this message appears " Sorry, your login attempt failed. Please try again". Despite I am sure about my password correct, I tried to reset it as a last resort, I go this message "ForgotPassword/LoginUnsuccessfulUser_LoginDisabled".

Since I am still abroad out of North Amercica for a few days, I don't know if there are any other way to pay? And even if I could pay using another way nothing tell me it would be worthy now I don't what hapened to my account.

@samyg  I believe the $1 payment is suggested when full payment for renewal has been paid but some account services are not working.  The $1 top up along with a couple of other workarounds seems to fully restore these account services. 


Since you are unable to make a payment yourself now (being out of the the country), you'll need to submit a ticket to moderators via SIMon here:


Type in your issue, select contact us/moderators, then submit ticket when these options appear and follow the rest of the prompts to finish.  If you experience problems with SIMon then try sending a private message to Moderator_Team via this link:


Submitting a message via SIMon is supposed to get a faster response back from moderators rather than the private message option, so try that first.  Good luck.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

After spending quite some times reading this forum about the quirks of reactivating autopay, someone suggested to pay $1 that should help enable the automatic payment. So I tried it yesterday thinking I could always pay myself today as it is stated on my accound I have until today March 6 23:59 to pay. After all the reading here I barely expected autopay to work.. but I was sure I could pay online today! If it stated yesterday my account it is valid until March 7, that's still tomorrow. Why my account seems to have been cancelled one day earlier than the payment dealdline?

I am writing here as I don't get why today I can no longer access the online self-service to proceed to the payment online, this message appears " Sorry, your login attempt failed. Please try again". Despite I am sure about my password correct, I tried to reset it as a last resort, I go this message "ForgotPassword/LoginUnsuccessfulUser_LoginDisabled".

Since I am still abroad out of North Amercica for a few days, I don't know if there are any other way to pay? And even if I could pay using another way nothing tell me it would be worthy now I don't what hapened to my account.

Mayor / Maire

@samyg wrote:

I already paid $1 yesterday while the self-serve online profile was accessible to revalidate my credit card as I read on this forum it was a way to reactivate autopay.. I can't dial 611 and I am not assured about not losing my payment if my sim get already cancelled

Did you only pay $1 to try to re-activate your account and not the plan amount?  I would think if you only paid the $1 then that would be the reason why your account didn't get re-activated.  Apologies if I'm misunderstanding your payment history.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I already paid $1 yesterday while the self-serve online profile was accessible to revalidate my credit card as I read on this forum it was a way to reactivate autopay.. I can't dial 611 and I am not assured about not losing my payment if my sim get already cancelled

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks, I am now aware. The generic message stating that I could disregard the payment notice if autopay is activated is totally misleading. My plan was to pay today if autopay didn't proceed to the payment..

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks gblackma, I understand the 90 days rules. I thought reactivating my account 2 days before the last day of validity would be enough. Yesterday I had a notice on my profile I have to pay by March 6th 23:59, which is today, and the validity of my account is March 7th, tomorrow. I tried my luck submitting a ticket to a moderator 


When an account is suspended, payment must be made manaully.  Enabling autopay doesn't renew a plan on a suspended account.

Mayor / Maire

I'm sorry to say that since it was inactive for 90 days your account was closed @samyg . However, since it was an autopay failure, you can try contacting the moderators. Click on the green questionmark in the white circle at the bottom right of your screen.  This connects to the autobot Simon.  Type moderator and follow the prompts to get to one (CLICK on account specific question and human and submit a ticket). Good luck.

Mayor / Maire

You could try purchasing a voucher and call 611 to make a payment or use  If you still need assistance then submit a ticket by clicking on the question mark on the bottom right.

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