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Self serve account

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

How to create a Self Serve account


Mayor / Maire


Simple…just active your new PM SIM and use your personal email address.

You can purchase a new SIM from a Telus/Koodo store.

Don’t use your work email just encase you leave your job or let go.


@raymondroussell you started a similar post yesterday about not able to login My Account,  do you remember you ever login there?


either way, open s Firgot Password ticket and PM support will confirm ot help you to setup one 


1. For faster response (2-48 hours), use this direct link:

**Start with typing "Forgot Login Information", click "Contact Us", click "Click here to submit a ticket".

2. Or if you have trouble with Chatbot,  Private message to the CS Agent:

**Monitor your Community inbox (envelope icon on the top right) after the ticket is opened. CS Agent will reply to you there

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité


Self-serve account is created at the end of the activation process.  Use your email address as the username and the password provided to login to your account.


Mayor / Maire

Are you activating as a new customer?  Then click this link to activate your new SIM/self serve account:


If you're already a customer and never created a self serve account, you will need to contact customer support and ask them to create the self serve account for you, here:

Mayor / Maire


Up top on the menu click on , Getting Started.

You'll be able to create your self service account during your activation of your sim card and plan.


You can't create a self service account if you don't activate your sim and plan.


If you activated you're sim card and plan in store a long time ago, and didn't get a self service account then.

Then you'll have to get a Customer Support Agent to help with that.

Use the Chatbot Simon to get a service ticket started first.

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