03-06-2024 03:09 PM
-First , Yesterday with the maintenance closure I could not reach my account and I got cutout by the 24h limit !!
-Second, for SMS not received . --When I want to ''Open a Session'' , to log in to my account P.Mob ask me '' send the 6 digit Number to Confirm your Identity'' -- In that request P.Mob says 6 digit Number send to*******604, this is not the Phone Number kept inn my Account Profile (it is ***906) .
I am convinced that as long as P.Mob does not send the 6 digit number to "Confirm my Identity" to the Phone Number kept in my "Account Profile", the Problem will persist.
I think that P.Mob get my Phone Number from a "Secondary Register" which has not been updated . --You or a software Engineer should update that "Secondary Register".
When I receive SMS on my actual Phone Number all others problems should be solved . -- Chrisgo4
03-06-2024 04:04 PM
In my message of March 6 , I pinpoint the core of the problem . -- "PM does not send SMS to my Actual Phone Number (which is in -my Account Profile-) " -- Can this be fixed ? Chrisgo48
03-06-2024 03:28 PM
03-06-2024 03:24 PM
I get the same issue when ported my old phone number from Fido, could you please help me as well?
03-06-2024 03:15 PM
you ported in your number from another provider? You need to ask PM support to re-trigger the porting request
There is a number to call to talk to live support, they can re-trigger the process for you. I will message the number to you via the Community inbox ( https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/notes/privatenotespage ) . Check the envelope icon on top right. Call them and get it fixed