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SIM card doesn't work after a while of non-use???

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Hi, odd problem here:


My SIM card/phone was overseas for the last 6 months, but I kept my account active with the $15 for 30 days plan and auto paid the monthly amount to keep my account active.  I am back in Canada now, and I can make calls out from my phone, but I cannot receive calls, nor can I send or receive texts.  I can register on the network fine.


Any help??


Mayor / Maire


There was an AutoPay glitch on April 1 and May 1 and AutoPay payment wasn’t going through so check to see if your account is still Active. If it is suspended then you need to restart your AutoPay to make payments.


You might have tried already but did you reboot the phone?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I paid for it monthly on the auto-pay, just made it easier for myself.

Mayor / Maire

Maybe try network reset before factory.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Under "My Usage" in My Account page, I can see all the outgoing texts I've been sending out, but no one has received them.  I can see all the outgoing calls. but no incoming calls.

HI @lucky724  try factory reset once  


and you had the same issue even you go to test in another area ?

Mayor / Maire

Did you pay it monthly the entire time you were gone ? next time you only would have to pay it once or maybe twice depending on how you time and would still be able to keep your account.

That's a bit of a stumper. Assuming you have a credit card registered, could you log in and manually add $1 to your account. Then restart phone when successful.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I don't have the phone from before with me anymore. This "new" phone model is a Samsung S8+

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

That's what I figured - so it's confusing to me that now I'm back and ready to use it, nothing works!

@lucky724 wrote:


This would be a different phone than when I left Canada with, but same SIM card

HI @lucky724  and you try to put the PM sim card to the phone you used before you left Canada?

This new phone, what model is that?

@lucky724 wrote:

Hi, odd problem here:


My SIM card/phone was overseas for the last 6 months, but I kept my account active with the $15 for 30 days plan and auto paid the monthly amount to keep my account active.  I am back in Canada now, and I can make calls out from my phone, but I cannot receive calls, nor can I send or receive texts.  I can register on the network fine.


Any help??

You could actually keep your Public Mobile SIM card out of a working phones for years and it would make no difference as long as the plan was kept active.  

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@hTideGnow SIM will function in another phone but same problem. Outgoing calls only. No incoming calls and no SMS incoming or outgoing. 


Just tried it in 3G. No difference.


This would be a different phone than when I left Canada with, but same SIM card

HI @lucky724   But does your SIM work in another phone?


Try changing your phone to 3G ONLY 


And you are using a different phone from the one you use before you left Canada?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Android, and does not work in another SIM. Same problem, outgoing calls okay. Cannot receive calls. SMS doesn't work outgoing or incoming

Mayor / Maire

Is the phone iOS or Android? Does the sim work in another phone?

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