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Renewed esrly

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Good Evening Moderator

I joined on May 1st. I picked on the day so my payment date can fall on 1st monthly

But I noticed you charged me one day early, on 31st.  Please check why it renewed 1 day early

and help to move the payment date to change back to start June 1st







At least you're doing your homework,  @R_darius 

It's more than most do before activating here ... 👍


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

You sure? I will check with Lucky again, I think they are not 30 days 

Yes, I am aware of the rewards, I will see if it covers the 5 days extra. I come to save money.  I am a bit disappointed now 

But thanks you both , mayors 



HI @R_darius   Yes. 

but PM has a rewards program, you save 5%  in points compare with others.  So, you got some saving that enough to cover the extra 5 days


Almost every prepaid provider of mobile services operates on a 30-day cycle.

No, you won't have 5 days left to pay at the end of the year.

Don't think of the service as being 12 monthly cycles.

Look at it as rotating 30-day Cycles which lasts as long as you want to be a customer here.


Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I never heard of any company for 30 days.  If I need to pay every 30 days and not by month, I will need to pay 12 a year and still 5 days more to pay after?


Another fault of public mobile to present it as monthly when in fact it is a rotating 30-day cycle.

You're not the first to realize this, and you will not be the last.

But they will not switch you to a calendar month cycle.

HI @R_darius   PM plans are all 30 days from beginning.  It cannot be changed to monthly. Sorry about that

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I  just checked now, all plans are showing monthly .  Who can I con contact  to fix my account to monthly?

Mayor / Maire


Public Mobile cycles run on 30-day consecutive cycles.

This means your renewal date will fall back one day approximately every 2 months.

Sorry,  there is no getting around this.

Mayor / Maire

HI @R_darius   Please note we are just customers here.  To contact agent, you have to submit ticket with agent using Chatbot or message

However, PM plans are every 30 days, so if you joined on 1st, charging today  is correct.  With a 30 days cycle, you will have a running payment date and cannot be set on the 1st

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