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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin


My child had gotten a hold of my phone and subscribed to a plan, I need to cancel my plan and unsubscribe as well as get a refund for the plan that my child was able to get. Please let me know how to do this. Thank you 


hi @KellySchermann thanks for sharing.  Yes, we are PM had firm no refund policy, but  in cases like activation not fully completed or porting trouble, they would help out  

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I am a new subscriber/member here and had a situation just today (the day that I signed up) that seems to go against the "no refund" policy that I see stated by so many here.  I spoke with Mirela today and was trying to get assistance for difficulty in porting my existing number to PM.  I had investigated this matter prior to purchasing a subscription and all answers seemed to point to no difficulty in porting my existing number.  However, when I tried to actually set up my account, I kept receiving a message about an invalid account.  As I said above, Mirela tried to help, but in the end, suggested that I contact Koodo support.  I asked her about the possibility of a refund for my purchase if I wasn't able to port my number, because that is essential to me, and her exact words to me were:  “yes, you have to contact a customer care agent to refund you.”  She provided me the link and I submitted my ticket.  Was Mirela not wanting to tell me that refunds aren't provided?  I certainly hope not.  

Are refunds possible, in light of this?  I'd sure hope so.

Good to know,  @ottawa 🙄

I beg to differ that the "child" couldn't   ' ... contact PM, ask for a refund/credit/plan change/whatever is needed'

After all,  they were able to log into their parents account, and go through the change plan process, all by themselves - or even more impressive, completely set up a Public Mobile account from scratch.

If you think we are talkin bout a 'child' here, then you've been hoodwinked too. 

And as for consciously choosing not to supply contact information for the customer support agent, it was a choice I made.

It's about being responsible - nothing more. 

You choose your way - I'll choose mine.


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Yes, thumbs down. There is no indication that any of that applies in this situation, the child did something wrong and the parent is trying to undo it (since the child has no ability to contact PM, ask for a refund/credit/plan change/whatever is needed). And it's irrelevant to this thread anyway, which was a request for how to fix this problem. That and the snarky "I'm not going to help you contact those who might fix this problem, you can figure out on your own how to contact them" [paraphrasing] was also inappropriate and unnecessary.

@ottawa- You mean a thumbs down. 🙂 I happen to agree with the thought from the other user. Parents are there to guide and support a child into becoming civil, decent, responsible adults. If the usual bumps along the road happen then it's the parents that need to stand firm. Consequences and all that. That would make them unpopular. That would make them not friends. Parents aren't there to be friends and popular. When the child survives into adulthood then sure a friendly adult relationship can blossom. But not while the child is the responsibility of the parent. Being popular and friends would be bonus but it's not the intention or goal.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@as2023 wrote:


My child had gotten a hold of my phone and subscribed to a plan, I need to cancel my plan and unsubscribe as well as get a refund for the plan that my child was able to get. Please let me know how to do this. Thank you 

Sorry that happened to you. Were you an existing PM customer, or are you interested in staying?

If yes, then the CS Agents may have more flexibility in helping, because if you're just on the wrong plan, you could ask if they might change it and either charge or credit the difference to your account. If you were never a PM customer and don't want to be, then there are fewer options, since all you can ask for is a refund, which would seem less likely to get. Or as @softech  suggested, live with the plan if you can and set a change for next billing date (less work for you than back-and-forth with an Agent). @Chalupa_Batman  posted the link to contact an Agent.

That said, PM has no obligation to do any of that, so be nice and remember you're asking a favour. Agents have been very accommodating when I've made a mistake. 😉

And in case it's not clear, whether the responses were polite or snarky, we're all just fellow users here. Only the Agent will be able to speak for Public Mobile.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@HALIMACS wrote:

We held the purse strings;  some of today's parents are reluctant to parent for fear of not being 'popular' or a 'friend'. 

I wish there was an un-bravo button I could press for a response like that. 😞

For sure. I got 2 little ones myself and its not easy.

We just have to pray for and support each other as best we can.

Not at all @Sansan 

Been there, done that!!!

Agree -- different era. 

We held the purse strings;  some of today's parents are reluctant to parent for fear of not being 'popular' or a 'friend'. 

@HALIMACS  you would be surprised st what these sneaky little devils can do these days. It's a different era. 

@BKNS27  chores until they move out.

Mayor / Maire

Like everyone said. This is a pre paid service. However, it really never hurts to ask a CS Agent. I know they won't do refunds but perhaps you might get a kind agent who's willing to do a credit to your account. I can't say for sure but it never hurts to ask.

Watch the top right corner. Please come back and let us know what they say. We'd all be curious. 

Mayor / Maire

Oh my @as2023 ... so much I could write here.

If your 'child' was able to do this, perhaps you might wanna consider getting them into MIT as some adults around here can't figure out how to do this.

In all reality, @as2023 , that's not on Public Mobile.   That's on you, the account-holder and parent of said child.

It's definitely a creative one, however, and I applaud you for giving it a shot with the Customer Support Agents.

EDIT:  however you're gonna have to figure out how to contact them - i'd be chastised for providing their contact particulars for this kinda request ...  😉

Mayor / Maire


Sorry, no refund on prepaid service like PM. Looks like you will be deducting their monthly allowance or more chores.



PM is a prepaid provider and do not provide refund.  

If it was just a change to the plan, you can use Change on Renewal option to schedule the proper plan back on renewal

If you want to "close" the account completely, please login My Account and go to Payment page, click Manage Subscription and disable "Subscribed" to disable Autopay

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