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Refund for incompatible new service

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin



I purchased at $34 plan to port my wife's iPhone. It failed to port her number/install the esim, and the app is so terrible on iPhone - she can't even log in and it's just errors when we try to log in on another device. Given the difficulty with this carrier we are no longer switching. I want a refund for the service I cannot access and to cancel any future payments.

I can do a credit card chargeback if need be


Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Hi @Seacrow

What type of issues was your wife experiencing? Perhaps we can help you troubleshoot the issues. There is a likelihood that the payment will not be refundable so maybe we can help you find work arounds in the issues to better use the PM platform and make use of the service you paid for 🙂 

Mayor / Maire


I have PM on my Samsung S9, iPhone 8 and iPhone 14 Pro Max with no issues.

The website and app may take sometime to download your account but never any issues.

Did you check whether your wife’s iPhone is eSIM compatible before sign up on a plan with free eSIM? Or you just signed up because it is free?

Best to contact a CS_Agent to help you login to her account and send the 2FA code  at: 

Please note that PM is a prepaid service so no refunds.

Mayor / Maire

Not sure how successful you will be Public Mobile doesn’t frequently offer refunds. Here is the link to talk to a Public Mobile CS agent.

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