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Refer a friend reward

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

As of now i have not get the refer a friend reward and so my friend too not even get the $ 10.00 reward too.


Mayor / Maire

If you do not see this on your account, it means referral code your friend entered was not valid or was incorrectly entered. You should see last 4 digits of his phone:



Mayor / Maire


If your referral code have zero or O in it, the common mistake is entering the wrong number/letter.

No problem if this happened. as noted by others just explain what happened to the CS_Agent.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Edited. 👍

@pkaraa wrote:



You both can reach out to support agents for a resolution. 




@pkaraa   Only the referee is advised to open the ticket





Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Was the referral code applied correctly?

To check it, Can you see your friend's number in your referred list?


Edit: referee can reach out to support agents for a resolution. 

Create a ticket via the bubble on the bottom right or by sending a direct msg to CS_Agent.


Thanks @softech 


Mayor / Maire



If the code was entered correctly, your friend will (soon) see the $10 credit under their Available Funds here under self serve:





You will see the $1/cycle credit (presuming you're on the old rewards plan), on each subsequent renewal following their activation.   


In order to 'view' your reward, you can look under View Payment History at the dates of your renewal and you'll see the line which reads, "Reward - Refer-a-Friend ($1 per active friend) /Récompense - Référez-un-ami (1 $ par ami actif)".



@akoeto1207   Has it been 72 hours since your friend activated?  But usually, for the one referring friend (you), it should show up the always immediately and will get a text with 24 hours


If it has been over 72 hours, please have your friend to open ticket with PM Support.  Once PM verified, they will add the reward for both of you:


1. If you have access to Self-Serve My account: For faster response (2-48 hours) , Click on the bubble in the lower right to request CS Agent assistance, or use this direct link:

Start with typing "Submit a ticket", click "Contact Us", click "Other" from the choices, click "Click here to submit a ticket". Then follow to complete the ticket submission.

2. If you don't have access to My Account or have trouble with above method: you can Send a private message to the CS Agent here:

**Monitor your Community inbox, envelope on the top right, after ticket is opened.  CS Agent will reply and work with you  via messaging there


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