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Re: I forgot my password

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I also forgot my security question


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Geryk17 wrote:

I also forgot my security question

If you're having trouble creating and submitting a ticket, you can send a private message to moderators:  Only moderators can restore access to your account.


Btw make sure you already have an account. If you bought and activated your sim at a store, your self serve account isn't automatically created. You will need to go here to register your account:

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Geryk17I assume you're trying to reset your security question because you're not able to access your self serve account? You should make that clear to moderators, otherwise your ticket may not get the appropriate priority.

@Geryk17  you can change your security question from within your self service account. Look under my profile. Stay safe 

@Geryk17 wrote:

Yes i did but no reply 

You should send a supplemental message then. Usually...they'll respond within a few hours but could be up to 72 hours when it gets busy.



Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes i did but no reply 

@Geryk17 wrote:

I did all that then waa told to join the community to get that ticket activated and I'm doing it the same thing again hoping for a response

Did you do as @popping has suggested ? Top of page, click the envelope icon. Look for "Sent" folder. Can you confirm if you see the message you sent 2 weeks ago ?

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Thanks, I was just looking to see the referral code and possible update my plan but no luck for security questions reset

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I did all that then waa told to join the community to get that ticket activated and I'm doing it the same thing again hoping for a response

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I was looking to see my referral code that is why I was trying to log in . But that was 2 weeks ago no email received hopefully I'll get it this time they open another ticket for me

If you don't get response in 72 hours, ask again.

If you start the conversation with mod and you don't get answer for 24 hours ask for follow-up

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@Geryk17 wrote:

Yes no reply

After submitted a ticket, members should check their private message SENT folder for their ticket which they just created.
If you cannot find your ticket in your SENT box, You did not create your support ticket yet. Also monitor your INBOX for any reply from moderator.
Click the envelop icon at the top right corner to access your private message mailbox.

It usually takes 24 to 72 hours for a response.

@Geryk17 hi did you use Simon to submit your ticket? check the envelope top right corner for a response from the moderators 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Yes no reply

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@Geryk17 wrote:

I had a ticket for resetting a question a week ago  but didn't get an answer, now there's another ticket opened I was wondering how long does it take for them to get back to me. 

You should get a reply within 48 hours.

Did you check your private message inbox?


After submitted a ticket, members should check their private message SENT folder for their ticket which they just created.
If you cannot find your ticket in your SENT box, You did not create your support ticket yet. Also monitor your INBOX for any reply from moderator.
Click the envelop icon at the top right corner to access your private message mailbox.


You can also enable email notification after receiving a private message at your INBOX.
My settings --> PREFERENCES --> Private Messenger --> enable "Receive email notifications for new private messages' --> Save

5 minutes to a couple of days based on how busy they are

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

I had a ticket for resetting a question a week ago  but didn't get an answer, now there's another ticket opened I was wondering how long does it take for them to get back to me. 

Mayor / Maire

@Geryk17 if you forgot your security question you will need to contact the moderators. Click on this link:

Step 1. Type forgot my password

Step 2. Type contact Moderators. 


They be able to fix you up quick. 


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