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Re: Bonus Add On

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

can i call ukraine/


Mayor / Maire

@Yummy wrote:

@dabr wrote:


If you have the international minutes, you can try your call to Ukraine and it may or may not connect. .

This is incorrect! PM does NOT provide phone service to Ukraine.

Texting will work as it covers every international destination.

Hmm... I never mentioned  "PM provides phone service to Ukraine".   I did, however, say "you can try your call and it may or may not connect" as captured in your partial quote of my response.   Not to mention my advisement of "YMMV" at the end of my post.

Mayor / Maire

@dabr wrote:


If you have the international minutes, you can try your call to Ukraine and it may or may not connect. .

This is incorrect! PM does NOT provide phone service to Ukraine.

Texting will work as it covers every international destination.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


@alice803 wrote:

can i text

HI @alice803   you can for sure text to Ukraine for free

As to the LD, if you have the bonus from Dec, you can try.  Officially NO, but there was a brief period of time thta it works.  And no worry to try, no extra charge if that does not work

Mayor / Maire

@alice803    Did you get the holiday gifts of 2GB data and 500 LD international minutes from PM last December? 


If you have the international minutes, you can try your call to Ukraine and it may or may not connect.  You won't be charged any extra if the call doesn't connect since PM is prepaid service and you might just get lucky as some customers have been able to call countries not on the list mentioned.   Of course, this is all YMMV...

@alice803  Yes you can text , just not call unfortunately 

@alice803   yes, you can text. International texting is included.

Mayor / Maire

@alice803  no but here’s a list of destinations that can be called with more is merrier bonus add on 

international calling covers the

following countries:

Canada, United States, China, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Italy, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Spain, Thailand, United Kingdom, and Venezuela

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

can i text

@alice803 wrote:

can i call ukraine/

Sorry, but Public Mobile service cannot be used to call Ukraine.

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