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Public points

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

With this new public points system, will my current rewards be cancelled or with I still have my rewards. If anyone could help it’d be appreciated 


Mayor / Maire


It is voluntary if you decide to switch from the old Rewards system to the Points system but DON’T!

The old Rewards will give you monthly credits and you will loss the $2 credit for AutoPay.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

You will NOT keep your old cash based rewards if you switch to the points system, in most circumstances it's better to stay on the old rewards.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@Sesameseed @Brilliance If you created accounts prior to Jan 22 and didn't opt into the new rewards system you should be good; you'll still be using the old rewards system.  You have to opt in to the new rewards system which has been discussed on these forums.  General consensus is to stay on the old system to get more immediate savings on your monthly bill.

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