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Public Mobile Promo Code or offers?

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

How often does Public Mobile give Promo Code or new discount offers?

,I'm looking at the $29 for 20 GB package, but I need international S.M.S. as my nephew is in Singapore right and all he has is a crappy phone BlackBerry Storm that can only do SMS, it seems.

I'm on fixed income and need to communicate with him.

Thank you



Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

The best Public Mobile promo code I found.

Your best bet is to use WhatsApp (or better, Signal) to communicate with your nephew. As it uses the global internet, that communication will be free!

good luck

Mayor / Maire

We don't know how often or when promos are given. If you want to communicate with someone over seas you can download and he download WhatsApp and you can communicate over Wi-Fi for free.

Mayor / Maire

HI @WheatbreadChimp 

texting internationally is included in the $29 plan and all current plans.  So, you are covered, you can text Singapore without problem

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